The Mark

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The door flew open and quick and angry steps were heard stomping down the stairs "she is getting stronger I want to know why! Her magic is getting stronger and she is becoming too powerful, this wasn't supposed to happen!" The voice shouts angrily as the man in the cage rocked back and forth giggling and laughing to himself "and so it shall grow and grow and grow and grow... never stopping, never slowing always growing." He laughs before jumping up grabbing the bars and shaking them before laughing in the persons face "well if I can't stop her then she's an obstacle I'll have to remove permanently." The voice says before turning to storm out of the little room, "never stop, it will never stop... the prophecy is coming... light and dark finally fighting! You can't stop her! Won't stop! Can't not stop her!" He laughs again before hitting his head repeatedly off the bars and the figure pulls out a knife "sit down!" They command and the man has to drag himself away to sit in the corner again rocking back and forth once more whilst mumbling to himself.

Grace had been panicking since her mother passed out, her papa had confessed and told them all that Kitty had been hearing voices and whispers waking her up at all hours of the night and distracting her from normal life. That did nothing but made Grace even more worried about her mother and she didn't know how to help her mother. Whale had tried to tell her that this had only happened because of exhaustion but Grace was adamant that something else had caused her mother to pass out.

She was sitting beside her mothers bed in the hospital with Anidori in her lap and Jack had gone with Jefferson to help the others and she was worrying about her mother, she didn't know when she would wake up but she knew that she would be by her mothers side because she wasn't leaving her mother alone not until she knew her mother was okay. Grace had stayed by her mothers side the whole day and she was currently trying to get Anidori to stop crying but nothing was working so she tries a different tactic. She remembered a song that her mother used to sing for her when she was younger "Where the North wind meets the sea... There's a river full of memory... Sleep, my darling, safe and sound... For in this river, all is found." She sings to Anidori whilst gently rubbing the babies back.

"In her waters, deep and true... Lie the answers and a path for you... Dive down deep into her sound... But not too far or you'll be drowned." Grace sings not really thinking too much into the words of the song as she sings and she walks around the hospital room bouncing Anidori as she starts to calm down "Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear... And in her song, all magic flows... But can you brave what you most fear?... Can you face what the river knows?" She sings as she looks out the hospital room window, she sighs and goes to sit back down whilst holding Anidori "Where the North wind meets the sea... There's a mother full of memory... Come, my darling, homeward bound... When all is lost, then all is found." Grace finishes singing and she sees that Anidori has drifted off to sleep making her sigh in relief.

She sits for a moment before thinking about the words of the old song and she writes down the words before she thinks if there could be any truth to the words of her mothers old song... could the river exist? And if it did where would it be? She tries not to think about it too much and instead closes her eyes to get some sleep for a while.

The next day Grace had gone to the hospital this time leaving her sister with her father and brother as she stayed by her mothers side, the mark on her hand was feeling itchier than usual and she thought it looked a bit more red than it had the day before, she still didn't know what the mark was from but she supposed she wouldn't be able to work out anything with there only being what looked like part of a full mark on her palm.

Jefferson was sitting in Granny's dinner when Emma knocks on the Granny's door and she walks in, they were having a meeting because they had worked out who was causing some trouble in Storybrooke, it was the wicked witch who was from Oz, Jefferson had met her before but he couldn't for the life of him remember her name. "If you want privacy, talk fast. We open in 20, and no one gets between Leroy and his bacon." Granny tells them all and they nod and Hook looks over at Emma "Is there any sign of our quarry?" Hook asks and Emma shakes her head "I went all over that farmhouse and the land around it... Nothing." She says and Jefferson sighs holding his head in his hands "I wish I could remember her damn name!" He says frustrated and David just gives him a sympathetic look.

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