The Talk

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Kitty was sitting on Graces bed at the top beside the girl and she was gently stroking the girls hair as Jefferson was asleep in the chair beside the bed with Henry in his lap asleep against his chest, Kitty wouldn't sleep, she wouldn't rest until her daughter woke up, she blamed herself for this happening, if she had been quicker she could've saved Grace... she would've done anything to take that bullet instead of her daughter and she was letting the guilt build inside of her, she knew that Hook was in the room across the hall because before Kitty had closed the blinds she could see the man lying handcuffed to the bed, she was trying not to think about it or else she might walk over there and strangle him for hurting her little girl.

She decides to go and check in with the others and make sure everything was okay and she sees Emma walking down the corridor in her direction "hey Emma." Kitty says and Emma gives her a smile "hey Kitty, how's Grace?" Emma asks and Kitty nods her head and sighs "she's recovering, they got the bullet out and closed the entry so now she just has to recover and wake up." Kitty says and Emma nods her head "how's our mystery driver?" She asks and Emma tilts her head to the side "well... there was two men in the car, we thought it was just the driver but he had another guy with him." Emma says and Kitty nods "those poor men... I hope they'll be okay." Kitty says and Emma smiles at her "how have you been Kitty? I know the past couple of days have been a lot for you... are you doing okay?" Emma asks and Kitty just looks away.

"I can't think about any of that right now... the man who I thought was my father isn't... and the man who is just shot my daughter after she healed him a few hours prior, I don't know what's going on anymore, I don't think I know who I am anymore... I thought I was someone that..." she stops herself with a sigh "it doesn't matter." She says shaking her head and Emma does feel bad for her because she had been through a lot "well I need to go and interrogate Hook if you wanna join, though I'll understand if you don't want to if it'll be too difficult to see him." Emma says and Kitty gives her a small smile "I suppose I better just face him... he is my..." She couldn't finish the sentence, her heart wanted to say it but sadly her mouth wouldn't form the word, Emma nodded and the two of them walked into Hook's room together.

He smirks seeing Emma but it drops off his face when he sees Kitty "Kitty..." he gets cut off by Emma "Where's Cora?" She asks and Kitty looks from his daughter to Emma "What?" He says and tries to move but gets restricted by the handcuffs and he sighs and looks at Emma "Again? You're really into this, aren't you? Damn, that hurts." He says groaning in pain, Kitty feels a tiny bit of sympathy which she hates herself for because she can't get the thought out of her head that he shot Grace "Told you – cracked a few ribs. Where's Cora?" Emma asks him again and Kitty looks at Hooks hand or rather lack of as she tries to think of what happened but her memory is blank she can't remember a thing... "You look good, I must say. All 'where's Cora?' in a commanding voice. Chills." Hook says and Kitty walks to the side of the bed glaring down at him.

"answer her... now." She says and Emma just smirks "You have all sorts of sore places. I can make you hurt." She says before she pushes her hand into his ribs, causing him to wince in pain and for some reason Kitty turns to her "easy Emma." She says without control and the confusion is all over her face which Emma notices "I have no idea where Cora is. She has her own agenda. Let's talk about something I am interested in – my hook. May I have it back? Or is there another attachment you'd prefer?" Hook says and Kitty gets a disgusted look on her face as she backs away "oh your disgusting." She says and her ears flatten against her head in disgust "You're awfully chipper for a guy who just failed to kill his enemy, then got hit by a car." Emma says and Hook just rolls his eyes.

"Well, my ribs may be broken, but... Everything else is still intact. Which is more than can be said for other bad days I've had. Plus, I did some quality damage to my foe." He says as if he is proud and Kitty turns to him with tears in his eyes "You hurt Grace! She is just a little girl... how can you be so happy about that?!" She says her anger building as Emma holds a hand up to Kitty to tell her to calm down "You hurt Belle." Emma says and Hook who did look guilty at Kitty's words put his stone cold facade back on "I hurt his heart. Belle's just where he keeps it. He killed my love. I know the feeling... anyone else was collateral damage." He says and Kitty'a ear twitches in anger and she clenches her fists, Emma lets out a low whistle as she sees Kitty's reaction.

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