Your Not Real...

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The five of them manage to make it to Rumpelstiltskin's cell and Kitty has to take a second before she enters, she has refused to come down and see her father when he was brought here after the explosive argument the two had had, so it was tough seeing where her father had been imprisoned but she knew she would be able to deal with it because if Grace was able to sneak down here to spend time with her grandfather then surely Kitty could survive five-ten minutes, twenty at most until they found whatever they were looking for "Rumpelstiltskin's cell. I haven't been here since before Regina's curse. This is where he told us you were going to be the saviour." Mary Margaret explains and Emma is shocked "He knew?" She says and Kitty nods her head "Dad had a gift... he gained a seers ability and from then he was able to see glimpses of the future and over time he was able to form a timeline." Kitty tells Emma who nods her head still trying to take it all in. 

"It was prophesized. Come on." Mary Margaret says in an easier way and when they enter the cell to look for the ink they don't find anything other than stacks of Grace's drawings "The squid ink – it's not here." Aurora says and Mary Margaret shake her head "Gold said we would find it." She says and so they begin to check the crevices of the walls and so Kitty uses her magic to float up to check higher up "it still amazes me how you can do so much? How is it possible?" Emma says looking at Kitty who is hovering in the air "you ever watch Alice in Wonderland?" Kitty asks her and she nods her head "remember the gray and blue cat?" She asks and Emma nods and so Kitty gestures to herself "Voila." She says and Emma is shocked "but I thought you were the queen of broken hearts?" She asks and Kitty flinches at the name. 

"I was... just because I'm good now doesn't mean I wasn't a villain before." Kitty says sadly before continuing to look through her fathers cell and Mary Margaret gives Emma a look, "Well, was there anyone else in here with him? Could they have taken the ink?" Mulan asks and Mary Margaret shakes her head "No, he was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden. He was too dangerous to allow any human contact... Grace would sneak down to see him, we knew she was doing it but it seemed unfair to stop her, and she would never come back with anything she would only ever take things to him." Mary Margaret explains and Emma looks over at her mother "How'd he keep from going crazy then?" Emma asks and Mary Margaret smiles slightly "Grace tried to see him once a week, that little girl really does love him, she always did, she knew that he did bad things sometimes but she still loved him no matter what... as weird as it was they had a beautiful relationship." Mary Margaret says and Kitty is quick to correct her.

"have, they have a beautiful relationship." She says and everyone else nods their heads and continue looking around and Aurora finds a piece of paper tucked into the wall "Maybe seeing Grace didn't help as much as you think it did." Aurora says looking at the paper and Kitty floats down to the ground "What is it?" She asks the princess walking over "Is that a message?" Emma asks and Aurora nods her head "Yes. And I think it's for you two." She says and hands Emma the paper as Kitty looks over Emma's shoulder "Why would you think... That." Emma stops herself when she sees both her name and Kitty's name written over and over again, with nothing else on the page but that. The group is still scouring the cell in search of the ink whilst Emma and Kitty are still looking at the paper.

"What does this even mean?" Emma asks and Mary Margaret sighs "He was obsessed with you, Emma. You were the key to breaking the curse." She says and Kitty looks up "but that's just it, she didn't break the curse... I did and I still don't even know how I managed that!" Kitty says and it goes quiet for a minute until Aurora sighs in frustration "We've looked everywhere. There's no ink in this cell." She says and Mary Margaret shakes her head determined to find it "Well, it has to be. He told David." She says and Emma rolls her eyes "You were in a Netherworld. Maybe something got lost in translation." She says and Mulan shakes her head "No. She heard right." The warrior said and they all look over hopeful "You found it?" Mary Margaret asks and Mulan holds up an empty bottle "In a manner of speaking. There was ink in the cell." She says and Kitty sighs. 

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