The Hatters Are Healing

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The Hero's were back in their camp and Grace hadn't left Hook's side and neither had Jack, Hook had picked the boy up and Grace just leaned against him and they stood over to the side "What's it like being a pirate? Have you seen many places?" Jack asks him and he smiles "Aye lad, I've seen the most beautiful places in the realms, far away lands and kingdoms... Islands and Villages that have never been visited before." Hook says and looks down at the two sets of eyes watching him in wonder "that sounds awesome." Grace says with a smile and Hook nods his head slightly tightening his hold on the two children, he felt extremely protective over the two children maybe it was because they were his grandchildren but he couldn't explain it, there was this deep feeling that he needed to keep them safe... 

"Pan's shadow? That's your way off the island?" He hears Emma ask and Neal nods his head sighing "Unfortunately, it's the only way." He says and Hook looks over to see Kitty sitting beside Jefferson, he knew that the couple were going to need some time to be back to how they were... to be honest he was still processing what he had heard... did his daughter really not want to be alive? Could he have done anything to make her feel better?... was he to blame for what he said to her? He pushed it as far back into his mind as he could and tried to focus on the children who were putting so much trust in him.

"Oh. We thought you learned how to navigate the stars." David says standing just behind Snow with his arms crossed "I know how to navigate the stars, but I can't fly." Neal says nodding his head before looking over at his sister worried because she was sticking to Jefferson's side as if she was afraid that he was going to disappear, it made Neal hate their father even more now, because Kitty had been through so much in her life and a lot of it could be blamed on Rumplestiltzkin "I'm guessing that's where the shadow comes in." Snow says and Neal nods his head at her "That's why we have to capture it." He tells them and Emma looks at him in shock "Capture it? We've never been within feet of Pan unless he wanted us to be. Sneaking up on him to steal his shadow? That sounds insane." Emma says and Hook sighs adjusting his hold on Jack to make sure he didn't drop the boy before he spoke up. 

"Except Pan's shadow is rarely with him. It's an entity unto itself. It can carry out his will from miles away." He tells them and notices how Grace looks scared and so he runs his hand over her hair and she leans into his side holding onto his jacket tightly "What does that mean for us?" Kitty asks finally speaking up even though her voice is just above a whisper and Neal looks directly at her "It means we can get his shadow without having to be anywhere near Pan... as long as we know where to look. I know where to look." He says trying to reassure her and she just nods her head "Okay... You and I are on shadow duty." Emma says nodding her head at Neal and Hook jumps in as well "As am I. This trek won't be easy. You could use another veteran of the island." He says to them and the two kids look at him worried. 

"Thanks, man." Neal says and Grace pulls Hooks hand and he looks down at her "I... I don't want you to go." She admits and he gives her a smile "don't worry about me lass... if there's one thing you should know about me is that I'm a survivor... and besides some one has to make he doesn't get himself killed." Hook says nodding in Neal's direction and it makes her smile slightly but Hook can still see she's worried so he puts Jack down and kneels in front of both of them "hey look at me lass... you better be listening too boy, it's going to be okay, keep an eye on your mother for me while I'm gone okay?" He asks and sees how Grace bites her lip and looks away guiltily.

He raises an eyebrow at her and she wipes her eyes "it's my fault... that mama felt bad... I heard David and Snow talking about it on the way back... if I hadn't been so mean to mama she wouldn't have tried to..." She trailed off as she started to cry which gained the attention of the others and Neal was quick to walk over, his protevtive instincts kicking in instantly " hey! What'd you say to her?" He asks as he looks at Hook accusingly and the pirate looks offended " nothing!" He says defending himself and Grace doesn't like that everyone is looking at her so she runs off into the trees and Hook calls after her "Grace!" He shouts and he quickly stands up going to run after her. 

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