The Plan

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Henry had woken up from a nightmare in the hatter household the next morning with a horrible pain in his hand and Jefferson and Grace also woke up at the same time and he is quick to check over Henry "hey are you okay?" Jefferson asks reaching to touch Henry's hand but he flinched back in pain "Ah!" He cries out and Jefferson is quick to let him go and he gently moves his hands to push back the sleeve on his pyjamas and sees a burn going up the side of Henry's hand "Is that a burn?" He asks worriedly as he looks at the boy and he quickly looks to Grace "quickly go and phone your grandpappy's shop the number is in the phone book." He tells Grace and she runs off and brings back the phone book before using her fathers phone to call her grandfather. 

Jefferson puts his arm around Henry to keep him calm "it's gonna be okay kiddo, Gold'll think of something." He says rubbing Henry's arms as he rubs his eyes with his free hand. "Hi Belle! It's me Grace... is Grandpappy there?" Jefferson listens to his daughter speak on the phone "morning Grandpappy, papa asked me to call you because something is wrong with Henry... he woke up with some kind on burn on his hand and we don't know what it is... yeah... okay... no I'm fine... okay see you then! I love you Grandpappy!... bye!" She says before hanging up the phone with a smile and she turns to her father and Henry. 

"he says he'll be here in a few minutes." Grace says and she moves to sit on the other side of her father for a few minutes before there is a knock at the door and Jefferson gets up and heads towards the door, he opens it to a very unimpressed Gold and Regina as they look at his outfit, he was in his sweatpants, short sleeved shirt with a thin scarf around his neck "you couldn't have put some clothes on?" Regina asks and he rolls his eyes "sorry that I was being responsible and watching the kids, now come on." He says sarcastically and Gold just raises his eyes "and you wear a scarf whilst sleeping because... what? Your neck gets cold?" He says narrowing his eyes at his son in law. 

"no because I haven't shown the kids the scar I got from being beheaded... thanks to you." Jefferson says glaring at Regina who looks down, they enter the room with the two kids sitting side by side on the bed and they gasp when they see Regina and they unconsciously move closer together until Jefferson walks in and they relax a little "it's okay, she came with Gold." He says and moves to sit beside Grace so Gold could go to Henry's side and he carefully looks at Henry's arm and hand "Oh, yes. You were quite right to call me... perhaps you have a few moments of intelligence hat boy." He says and Henry winces a little as Gold gently moves and examines his arm. 

"So y-you can help? It was just a dream." Henry says and Gold shakes his head "Well, what you're describing's certainly not a dream." He says and before Jefferson can ask Regina does "Then, what was it?" She asks crossing her arms and Grace just holds Henry's hand so he isn't scared "A side effect. You know, it's remarkable you'd cast a curse you know so little about." Gold says and Grace's eyebrows furrow together "the sleeping curse did this?" She asks and Gold looks at his granddaughter giving her a small smile and a nod "My victims are not supposed to wake up. That's why I certainly never cared what happened to them after. ...Until now." Regina says and Gold using a kit of potions he brought along with him, begins to prepare a potion. 

Grace watched him with fascination, she remembered back in the enchanted forest when she would watch him do things like this. He carefully drips the various liquids into a pendant attached to a chain and he holds it up "When people fall under a sleeping curse, the soul travels to a Netherworld, where it resides until awoken. Now, this world is between life and death, and it's very real. However, even when the curse is broken, sometimes, in sleep, the victims find their way back to that world. Victims like you." Gold says looking at Henry who squeezes Grace's hand because he is scared "If this other world is tormenting my son every time he sleeps, I want you to give him something that will keep him from going there." Regina says and Jefferson nods his head as well. 

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