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After Rumple had caught Kitty sneaking off to the Hatters little house in the forest he scolded Kitty the whole way home but the girl barely heard any of it, her mind was too preoccupied with her blue eyed portal jumper and his sweet little girl. She adored Jefferson, he was sweet and so kind to her, he never ever judged her on her appearance and told her she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in his life. Kitty always felt like she was important when she was with Jefferson, he always made her feel appreciated and loved and Grace loved to spend time with her, Kitty had been doing Grace's hair a lot for her and generally doing lots of little girly things with her that Jefferson had no clue about. 

Rumple had given up scolding her because it was clear that she was in cuckoo land and thinking about something or rather someone else, he wanted to know how she had managed to find Jefferson and somehow hid from him again that she was seeing him... he couldn't separate them again, it was a miracle that it had been successful in the first place but he wouldn't have everything he needed to do the spell again, it would take time to get everything together again... maybe he could get the ingredients for the future... it wouldn't hurt to have them should anything happen between the two of them... Rumple hated Jefferson for taking Kitty the first time, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to put it past him. 

If Jefferson thought that he could take Kitty from him again... then that hat boy had another thing coming because Rumple wasn't losing Kitty not after everything he had gone through to keep her with him... He didn't have time for this, he believed he was so close to finding a way to get Baelfire back... he didn't need this preventing that from happening! He began thinking that he might need to come up with a more permament solution to deal with this portal jumper...

Kitty got back to the dark castle and practically skipped through the corridors and Rumple was more than annoyed with the whole situation... he could always go back and kill the hat boy... who would actually miss him realistically? The little girl and Kitty?... No, as much as he didn't want to admit it he couldn't do that to Kitty or the little girl... technically she was his granddaughter, he groaned and decided to go to his spinning wheel for a while because if he didn't he would going straight back to that home and beating the living daylights out of Jefferson. 

Kitty was dancing around her room, her head in the clouds as she thought about Jefferson, she had never felt like this before but it felt amazing, she felt so happy and giddy inside thinking about the man, she wondered if this was what love felt like... she knew she loved Jefferson and to tell herself otherwise was stupid, she loved him and she thought that she might actually love him more than anything, she felt like she was falling from a great height and she didn't know how to feel about it... she did worry that maybe Jefferson might not want anything to do with her after finding out who her father is but before she had left with her father, he had given her one last kiss so it did instill some hope in her that there was still a chance for them to be together... 

She tried not to worry about it too much and instead she went to bed and tried to get some sleep, she would go back and see Jefferson tomorrow and hope that nothing had changed between the two of them, she couldn't describe it but something about Jefferson felt so familiar to her but she didn't know how... he felt like an old friend that you don't see for a while... he felt so familiar to her... she had never met him before the market... had she?

It had been a few months since Rumple had found out about the two of them being together and Jefferson was currently pacing back and forth behind Grace as she drew pictures and Jefferson was panicking "what if she says no?" He asks and Grace not even looking up from her picture shakes her head "she won't say no." She says and he keeps on pacing; more and more problems filling his head and consuming his thoughts "I can't do this..." he says and Grace rolls her eyes "your just nervous." She says and still just continues with her drawing paying no attention to her father "what if she doesn't like the ring?" He worries still walking back and forth and Grace scoffs. 

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