What A Family...

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Kitty followed Henry out onto the balcony and watched as little boy was trying not to cry but she could see right through him and so she pulled him into a hug and sits on the fire escape with him in her lap crying into her shoulder and she just rubbed his back and kissed his head "shhhh... it's okay kitten, this is a good thing! You're getting to see your father! You used to tell me all the time about how you wished you could've met your father!" Kitty says and Henry wipes his eyes "that's not why I'm upset." He cries and she looks down at him "then what's got you like this kitten." Kitty asks pushing his hair back out of his face "that Emma lied to me." He says and Kitty's smile drops and she hugs him again, from inside the apartment the other three are watching the two on the fire escape. 

"what's the deal with my sister and Henry? I'm gathering their close?" Baelfire now called Neal asks and Emma sighs "oh yeah... they're definitely close... closer than anyone else, sometimes I think she's his mother and not me... I better go and check on him." Emma says before she decides to enter onto the fire escape to speak to Henry but he was not leaving his aunt's arms so instead he moved the position of his head so he was looking at Emma whilst Kitty was still gently rubbing his arm letting him know that she was there for him "So, that's him." Henry says quietly and Emma nods "Yeah." She says and Henry looks down "Why didn't you tell me?" He says and Kitty knows that he feels slightly betrayed because he believed that Emma would always tell him the truth. 

"Because I never thought I would see him again. I never wanted to." Emma says shaking her head "Why not?" Henry asks and Emma sighs and crosses her arms "He was a thief, Henry. A liar, a bad guy, and he... He broke my heart." She says and Kitty takes note of that to ask him about later "I could have taken it, you know... The truth... You didn't have to lie to me!" Henry tells her as Kitty leans her chin against his head "I know. He was just a part of my life I wanted to forget. That's why I didn't tell you. I was thinking of me, not you." Emma says and Henry just scoffs and stands up but takes a hold of Kitty's hand "I thought you were different, but you're just like her. Regina. She always lied to me, too... the only person that's never lied to me is aunt Kitty." Henry says and Emma looks shocked as does Kitty. 

"I'm sorry..." Emma says but Henry just shakes his head, he was going to be upset for a while and it was definitely justified and he turns to Kitty "I want to meet my dad." He says and she nods her head "okay kitten... let's go see big brother dearest... I've just realised something, this actually makes you my nephew by blood... How crazy is that eh?!" She says and Henry smiles widely at her comment and the two of them enter the apartment again as Emma watches them guiltily. Henry sits down on the bed waiting for his father and Gold to finish talking but Kitty hears something that Gold says "Come with me to Storybrooke. There's magic there. I can turn the clock back. Make you fourteen again. We can start over... I know what I'm doing, it worked for your sister." He says and Kitty's eyes widen and her hand covers her mouth. 

She tried to remain as quiet as possible to hear what else her father would confess "Fourteen? I don't want to be fourteen, again. Are you... Are you insane? Does she know you did that to her? That's not right man! You can't just play with someone like that!" Neal says upset and Kitty can feel the tears running down her face "I can't make up for the lost time, but I can take away the memories. Bae..." He says and Kitty is shaking trying not to sob out loud "Take away who I am? No, thanks. Let me guess you took my sisters memories as well huh?... One minute left." Neal says and Kitty falls to her knees with both hands over her mouth so she wouldn't interrupt and Henry was watching her worried. Just when Kitty thought the worst was over, just when she thought she could finally trust her dad again, it just goes back to being horrible.

Kitty could feel all the tears running from her eyes "Bae... Please... Give me a chance. You once loved me." She hears her dad say "You were once a good man." Neal tells him and Kitty can't believe it... he lied to her again... if her dad has really been using magic to keep her young and stealing her memories then their relationship is over for good, but the burning question in kitty's mind is why would he ever have to make her younger? She's only thirty she's the same age as Jefferson so why would her father ever make her younger? How old is she? How many memories has he taken from her? She looked over at Henry and she could see that he was worried but not about her... he knew, of course he did... he has his book, she gives a reassuring look to tell him that she wasn't angry that he hadn't told her. He cuddled into her and her tears began falling into Henry's hair.

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