Big News

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It had been two months since everyone returned to the enchanted forest and Kitty was ill, she was sick every morning when she woke up and Jefferson and the kids were worrying about her as well as Regina and the Charmings. Kitty told them not to tell Neal and Belle because they were under a lot of stress trying to figure out how to get Rumple back, Kitty was struggling not just because she was sick but because she had memories continually reawakening in her mind of when she lived in the dark castle but it wasn't the good ones it was the bad... she couldn't count how many nights Jefferson had shaken her awake for her to cry into his arms for hours.

She had decided to go and visit Victor, they had found Jefferson's hat fully repaired when they returned to the enchanted forest and so she was using that to get to the land without colour. Jefferson was taking Jack, Grace and much to his displeasure Christopher Robin to the market, Kitty found it sweet that Jefferson was so protective of Grace but he had to learn that she was growing up and Christopher Robin was a sweet boy that would never hurt Grace but it didn't mean that Jefferson wouldn't be watching the boys every move when it came to his Grace.

Kitty approached Victors big house as she puts Jefferson's hat on her head using her magic to let her ears pop out the top and she knocked on the door, she waited a few minutes before he opened the door and smiled at her "Kitty? To what do I owe the pleasure?" He says standing aside letting her in and she smiled at him and walked into the house "I have a feeling I know what the answer is going to be but I need you to check... I've been waking up sick every day and I think my stomach and chest is getting bigger..." she trails off as Victors eyes go wide "you think..." he trails off pointing at her stomach and she nods her head "did you tell Jefferson?" He asks her wide eyed and she shakes her head "I didn't want to get his hopes up in case it's something else." She says and Victor nods.

Kitty had been sitting in shock for ten minutes as Victor sat beside her "I would offer you a drink but given your situation I don't recommend it." He tries to joke and Kitty doesn't respond she just takes Jefferson's hat off and hugs it to her chest. "Oh god I have to tell them." She says throwing her head back against the sofa "it'll be alright I can hardly see them reacting badly." Victor says and Kitty nods "yes but now that Regina knows her psycho half sister is after our asses everything is too tense in the castle." Kitty tells Victor who nods his head "I know this sounds stupid but try not to get stressed it won't be good for your child." He tells her and she sighs "I know Victor, thank you for your help." She says and the man nods his head with a small smile. "I better be heading back, I'll see you soon Victor thank you so much for your assistance." She says with a smile going to hand him a bag of coins but he shakes his head "I don't want payment, it's fine." He says and she gives him a quick hug before leaving and throwing Jefferson's hat onto the ground.

She came out into the enchanted forest just outside of Regina's castle and she picks up her husbands hat and heads into the castle back up to where they had all been staying hoping she can put the hat back before Jefferson notices it's missing, she wanted time to figure out how to tell him that she was pregnant again. She looked in the mirror side on and she could see a small bump at her stomach and it made her smile. She decided that she would tell them all tomorrow because Neal was coming to visit them, so she had about eighteen  hours to think of how to tell them. She heard all kids coming before she saw them, she heard them squealing and screaming and wondered why they were until she heard a voice shouting down the corridor " YOU BETTER BRING THAT BACK SISTER!" She heard Grumpy shouting after the children and so she moves to the door and looks down the corridor to see Grace, Christopher and Jack running down the hall away from Grumpy holding his helmet as they laughed and squealed.

She laughed at them all before she noticed Jefferson was missing from behind them "Kids? What are you doing?" She calls out to them as they run past her and into the room "RUNNING FROM GRUMPY!" They all shout back and Kitty laughs at them as Grumpy also runs past her trying to catch the children "give him his helmet back guys." She says crossing her arms and then all whine but Grace hands the helmet back over to Grumpy who takes it mumbling under his breath about 'irritating children' as he leaves the room and the three children dissolve into fits of laughter as they collapse on kitty and Jefferson's bed "and where's your papa?" She asks the giggling children "talking to David." Jack says with his head buried in one of Kitty's pillows "what about?" She asks and the kids shrug their shoulders "said it wasn't urgent and we saw Grumpy and you know how that ended." Grace says looking up at her mother who nods her head.

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