Henry is Pan?

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So the plans to stay in and relax were disturbed when the Hatters had been invited to Granny's dinner the next day to have breakfast with Snow, Charming and Leafy. To say that the Hatters had had an eventful morning was putting it lightly, Kitty had never been so mortified in all her life... She wanted to hide away for thhe rest of her life and even then she would never liive down her embaressment.

The Hatters had gathered the next day in Granny's to have breakfast and Kitty and Jefferson couldn't even look at each other without blushing and Mary Margaret and David noticed. "Okay spill, what happened between you two?" Snow asks as she looks at them and Kitty turns red as a tomato as Grace begins to laugh quietly, Jefferson adjusting his scarf at his neck whilst Kitty made sure her turtle neck was covering her her whole neck.

"Well..." Grace says but gets cut off by Jefferson "Nothing happened!" He is quick to say but David smirks "oh something definitely happened, Grace explain." He says and the girl nods but before she can say anything a very cross Jack glared at Jefferson "he bit mama." Jack says angrily and Kitty hits her head off the table in embarrassment and Leafy looks over at her concerned tapping her head lightly with Mr. Buttons.

David starts laughing uncontrollably as he realises what happened, he knew what Jefferson and Kitty were like so it wasn't difficult to guess what had happened "So clearly someone had fun and forgot to... hide the evidence." Grace says and Jefferson covers his face with his hands. "You shouldn't even know what we're talking about... you shouldn't even be talking about it!" Jefferson says horrified as he looks at Grace who scoffs "I'm your daughter!" She says and David points at her in agreement.

Kitty still has her head on the table and Grace explains what actually happened "Jack walked into the kitchen this morning and caught mama and papa kissing... and he almost froze papa..." Grace says and Jack shakes his head "No! He was trying to eat mama! I was saving her!" He says angry, and David is almost sobbing with laughter whilst Leafy just gently taps him and hands him a napkin, David pats his hair affectionately as a thank you. David had never seen Kitty look so embarrassed in all her life. He was especially loving Jefferson's misery and to top it all off Hook had wandered over and sat down beside Grace wrapping his arm around her.

"So what've I missed?" He asks and everyone goes silent and Kitty raises her head still as red as a tomato "Jefferson and Kitty were just telling us all about their lovely evening last night." David says and Kitty glared at him and kicked him hard in the shin under the table, and it makes him wince in pain. "Did you do something nice love?" Hook says smiling at her completely oblivious to what the others meant and David and Snow snicker under their breaths and Grace smirks "more like someone..." David whispers and Snow laughs making Hook confused. "You look tired love? Didn't you sleep well?" He asks her and Indiana who had walked over with her brother seems to now understand what's going on "I'd say something kept her up all night." She says smirking at Kitty who turns to Jefferson hiding her face in his arm.

"That's a shame... hopefully you can get a better rest tonight." Hook says before stealing some food off of Grace's plate "Oi!" She says and he smirks "I'm a pirate what do you expect!" He says and the three children laugh. David had finished his food and he laughs "I never thought Granny's lasagna could taste so good." He says and it makes the others laugh and Kitty just looks up at Jefferson who was watching her a smile on his face. Gold approaches their table in the middle of Granny's "So how'd you like to wash it down with this?" He says as he sets down a small bottle in front of David and one in front of Kitty "Is that..." Grace trails off looking at the bottles and Gold nods his head at her with a small smile on his face "Yeah. An elixir. This will cure your Dreamshade poisoning once and for all." He says to them.

"You really found a cure already?" Jefferson asks slightly skeptically and Gold nods his head "I am a man of my word, and when regarding my daughters health I find a solution quickly." He says giving Jefferson a look. "And I owe you nothing? No price of magic, no..." David gets cut off by Gold "On the house. But we are family now, so I'm sure should I ever need a favor, you'll be more than receptive." He says and Kitty scoffs "should've known it wasn't for nothing." She says and Indiana looks between Gold, Kitty and Killian picking up on a lot of tension... "I'm gonna go drown myself in a milkshake... kids you want one?" She asks and the three kids all cheer and go with her as Gold narrows his eyes at Kitty "since when did you wear a turtle neck? You hate them... your always in your flowy dresses and skirts..." Gold says and David grins like an idiot.

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