Ten Bucks

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Jefferson was still trying to come to terms with everything that had happened in the last few hours, he had collected the children from Granny whilst Kitty was with the Charmings. He noticed that Grace was acting a bit funny but he left her alone wanting to see if she would talk to him first. Jefferson felt bad for his children because they didn't have a normal life, they all had abilities that other children didn't, they were always involved in the latest family drama, and they couldn't focus on their own lives or their schooling. Jefferson wanted the children to be able to focus on just being kids for a while so he was going to speak to Kitty when she returned from helping with dealing with Zelena.

Jefferson decided to take the children to the park to give them a distraction from all the drama between Zelena and Snow having her baby. Neal had joined them and was sitting beside Jefferson on the bench whilst Grace, Jack, Henry and Christopher are running around the park playing. Anidori was sleeping in her stroller peacefully with her mouth hanging open making Jefferson chuckle when he looked down at her. "Are you okay Neal?" Jefferson asks the man who sighs and nods his head "Yeah man... I'm okay." He says and Jefferson smirks "No your not... your making the same face Kitty does when something's bothering her." Jefferson says to the man and Neal smiles slightly.

"It's just seeing our mother again... It... It uhh brought up some rather painful memories to remember..." Neal says truthfully to Jefferson who nods his head in realisation "The woman who was singing... that was Milah?" He asks Neal who nods his head before looking back over at the kids who were pretending that sticks were swords. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Jefferson asks him and he thinks for a minute... did he really want to talk about the woman who abandonned him... who chose Hook over their family...

"It just hurts more than anything, my mama... she always seemed happy from what I remember, but then one night... she hadn't come home so me and my papa went into town to find her and we did at the tavern... with Hook and his crew, I was supposed to wait outside but it was cold and I really just wanted to make sure my mama was okay..." Neal starts to tell Jefferson who just nods his head as he listens to Neal talk about his past, Jefferson could tell that this really had upset Neal and then he realised just how long Neal must've been carrying this around with him for.

"She came home with us and I thought that that was the end of it... but it wasn't, the next day I saw my mother just before I headed out our house and she smiled like always and told me she would see me later... that was the last time I ever saw her... papa told me she was dead but she had ran away with Hook, and then... she started a new family..." Neal says trying not to let the tears in his eyes fall and Jefferson realised where the story was going "Kitty..." He says trailing off and Neal nods his head confirming the man was right with his thought process.

"Ever since I found that out I wondered... why wasn't I good enough for her to stay, did I do anything to contribute to her leaving us? I don't know... I'll never know I suppose... papa changed after she left, he was in such a state for so long... he was heartbroken for some time but he got over it, I... I suppose I did too... I want to hate Killian for what happenned but at the same time he didn't force her to leave us, she chose to do that on her own." Neal says and Jefferson nods his head looking over at the children who were running around laughing and cheering as they continued playing their game, it made both men smile as they watched the kids be kids.

"And what about Kitty?" Jefferson asks him and Neal looks at him slightly confused "What about her?" Neal says and Jefferson checks on Anidori and adjusts her blanket pulling it up slightly to keep her warm. "Did your opinion on her change after you realised everything?" Jefferson asks not being rude just genuinely being curious but Neal shakes his head "No never... my little sister is sweet, sometimes I think maybe a little too sweet but I could never hate her no matter what she could do... she looks quite a lot like our mother if I'm being honest but she acts nothing like her." Neal says and Jefferson hums and nods his head "Well Kitty only knew Milah until she was three... your father took her after that, her memories on Milah and Hook raising her are the foggiest because they're her oldest ones. Kitty was having trouble sleeping back in the enchanted forest with some of her old memories still re-awakening..." Jefferson says and Neal looks at him slightly alarmed.

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