Regina What Have You Done?!

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Cathy had been mourning the loss of Graham for a few days now, she had taken the loss very hard, possibly because she couldn't properly remember the last thing she had said to him, she hoped it was something like 'I love you' or 'your my best friend' but knowing the two of them together it probably would've been a joke or a wise crack at each other... she remembered hearing his voice when she was in the hospital she remembered every word he had said and it just made her question whether Henry's theory about the curse was actually true or not because now with the things she was remembering it seemed like it was real... She missed Graham, she saw pictures of them in her cafe and Emma had brought her some things from Graham's office which caused the woman to break down into sobs in her cafe with a few of her customers becoming worried.

She had gotten sick of the wheel chair and had went to the hospital to ask Whale if he had any crutches, he did but he didn't like the fact that Cathy was forcing herself to use them, he thought that it seemed as if she was trying to punish herself for something but he didn't say anything to her feeling that it wasn't his place to, he had tried to advise her against it but she argued right with back with him being too stubborn for her own good. Cathy didn't know how to feel anymore, she felt numb to a certain degree after hearing about Graham, she was trying to put on a smile for Henry because she knew how she was feeling always ended up affecting his feelings.

Before she left though she did have a question for the doctor and it was something that had been niggling away at the back of her mind and she had to know before the curiosity killed her "Dr.Whale?" She asks as the man goes to leave and he turns to Cathy with a smile on his face "yes Cathy?" He replies and she takes a breath before asking him "could I see my medical records?" She asks and sees the confusion on his face "all of them." She clarifies and she watches his face fall as he realises what she's asking for "Cathy are you sure you want to see those?" He asks her and she nods her head and Whale turns around and goes to a filing cabinet in his office and takes out the file and turns to her but he freezes before he could hand it over to her. 

"Cathy... I don't think your going to like what you see." He tries to warn her and she raises her eyebrow at him "I need to know who put me there Whale." She says and he gulps "it might break your heart Cathy." He says and she begins to worry but she puts her hand out regardless wanting the file and she opens it looking over the papers, her hands were shaking as she read the words, 'admission to Storybrooke Psych Facility, authorised and consented by Regina Mills'... there it was... Regina's signature on the dotted line and Cathy's heart dropped, that would explain why Regina apologised but not why she kept apologising and why she had cried over Cathy when she had been released and so Cathy flipped over to the next paper, where she skimmed the paper and the list of treatments... 'Electroshock Therapy, Straightjacket Restraining, Extreme Isolation, Corrective Punishment, Behavioural and Emotional Manipulation via drugs listed below...'  

The list went on and on, Cathy didn't realise she had started crying until Dr. Whale was handing her a tissue and she took it from him, everything she had been through was because of Regina, was Henry safe with Regina? If this was how she had been treated what would Regina do to her little kitten. "thank you." She said her voice breaking as she spoke, and she got to the bottom of the page 'all treatments for patient 004 authorised, understood and consented by Regina Mills.'  Cathy thought she was going to be sick, Regina had lied to her, she had told her it was the towns fault for putting her there and the doctors fault for their treatment methods but Regina had to sign off on it all, she ripped out a few pages before she slammed the file shut and put the pages in her pocket before she quickly grabbed her crutches and began to quickly leave the room. 

Dr. Whale rushed to put the file away to go after her but when he finally got the file away and locked the cabinet she was already out of sight and so he sighed realising what had just happened and got on with his work, he did send a quick message to the only contact he had that could possibly help her, Mary Margaret. It was at that moment in time that Whale was glad he had saved the woman's number into his phone, he was really worried about what Cathy was going to do now that she finally knew the truth of what happened to her. He just hoped that whatever Cathy was going to do wasn't going to get her injured.

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