Once Upon A Dream

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When Kitty had started spending more and more time helping her father with his work, she started taking Grace along with her and at first Grace was scared to meet the man people called the dark one, she had only met the man on two other occasions, her mama and papas wedding and at her mamas birthday, she was scared because all the children she played with all told stories about the dark one and about how he transforms people into frogs if they crossed him! Grace was definitely showing how afraid she was as she clung to both her parents whilst they entered the dark castle that Kitty grew up in "what's wrong little one?" Kitty asks her and she looks up at her "I'm scared mama..." she says quietly and Jefferson looks down at his daughter "why are you scared Grace?" He asks and she looks around the walls in the corridor. 

"because all the children I play with said that the dark one transforms people into frogs if they cross him, I don't want to be a frog if I make him angry." She says and before Kitty can speak another voice chimes in "A frog dearie, is that what they told you? No no no, frogs are boring, why turn someone into a frog when it could be... a snail? A bird? A unicorn? Or even a little white rabbit." Rumple says from where he is standing leaning up against the wall and Grace moves to hide slightly behind her parents and Rumple notices "oh don't be frightened dearie, I'm not going to hurt you... your more likely to be poisoned by kitty's cooking than me hurting you." He says smirking and Grace giggled a little bit.

Kitty gasped "excuse me I can cook very well!" Kitty exclaims crossing her arms "if you insist." Rumple says shrugging before clapping his hands and appearing right in front of the trio and Grace steps back a little behind her parents "don't be shy dearie." He says to Grace smiling at her and Kitty looks down at her "why don't you introduce yourself?" She says to Grace running her hand over Grace's head and Grace looks at her father who is smiling at her "I'm... I'm Grace." She says to Rumple who nods his head and steps back a little with a smile "lovely name dearie." He says before clearing his throat mockingly. 

"I am the amazing and powerful rrrrumpelstiltskin." He says bowing and Grace giggles quietly and Kitty smirked at her father's antics and he smiled up at Grace "so what's with the family outing Kitty?" Rumple asks his daughter and she smiled at him "well we always feeling bad leaving Grace at home when we come here so we decided to start bringing her with us when we come to help you with work." Kitty explains and Rumple raises his eyebrow "do I look like a babysitter?" He asks her and she gives him a look, she knew he was only have a joke but Grace didn't know that and she began panicking "I... I can go back home!" She quickly suggests and both of them look at her. 

"I was only joking dearie, I would never send family away. Well.. I would send the hat boy away in a heartbeat but that's another discussion." He says shaking his head clasping his hands "family?" She asked and he gave one of his famous grins "well you are my kitty's daughter now aren't you? That makes you my granddaughter? Doesn't it?" He says and Grace smiles and nods "well then let's go." He says gesturing further into the castle and the three hatters follow Rumple towards his room with his spinning wheel and his ingredients for his potions. When rumple looked at how Grace acted when she was in her own little world she acted a lot like kitty did growing up...

Kitty was always in a world of her own growing up, coming up with strange and peculiar questions and riddles, she was always speaking in rhymes and Rumple had no idea why... she had been living for hundreds of years alongside her father but she would always forget it because Rumple would simply wipe her memory and make her young again so her could have her with him forever, the only downside was the effect it had on her brain, the more he made her younger the more... peculiar she would act... she was sitting one day staring out the window whilst rumple was spinning straw into gold, her tail was gently swaying behind her and her ears were flat against her head "dad..." she said trailing off and he stopped what he was doing to look at her. 

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