The Huntsman

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Kitty had always been one to explore the forests whenever she could, she loved nature and she loved the quiet that the woods provided, it was a nice change from the village and the enchanted forest was so beautiful to walk through, it had beautiful plants and flowers and the most adorable creatures, Kitty hated being cooped up in the castle all the time so whenever she could she would go for walks whether that be in the woods or in the village, she would. Kitty was sitting down on a fallen tree just relaxing and her tail was gently swaying behind her under her cloak and her ears were relaxed against her head tucked under her hood. She always wore her cloak when she left the castle because her father told her it would make her more unnoticable and keep her safe.

She had been sitting there for maybe an hour when she heard the bushes rustle and she was on alert and instantly jumping up ready to use her magic to keep herself safe, after a moment a wolf with two different coloured eyes walked out of the bush to stand in front of Kitty and so she put her hand down and kneeled down by the wolf as it sat in front of her wagging it's tail, Kitty smiled at the wolf and slowly held her hand out to the wolf and it sniffed her hand before leaning into her and she grinned at the wolf from ear to ear and began to pet the animal not noticing the man who was quickly running towards them worried about his friend, she was too distracted by the beautiful creature in front of her.

"Please miss... don't hurt my friend." She heard an accented voice and she turned to see a man with a knife in his hand looking between the wolf and her and so she slowly raised her hands standing up "Don't worry I would never hurt such a creature, especially not one that's so friendly," she says smiling at the man who lowers his knife when he sees her cat eyes "I've heard about you... the children in the village sing your praises." The man said and Kitty grins at him and pushes her hood down allowing for him to see her ears and hair "The names Kitty Cat, pleasure to make your aquaintance." The woman says dramatically bowing before extending her hand to the man who gave her a smile and shook her hand now seeing that she posed no threat to them.

"People call me The Huntsman, I don't really have any other name." He says sheepishly and Kitty looks down at the wolf who was still sitting there watching the two of them "What about her? Does she have a name?" She asks and the huntsman laughs nervously "No... I didn't think that he'd like one." He says emphasising the he and Kitty nods her head and grins apologetically down at the wolf "Sorry boy ." She says and the wolf stands up and begins to walk off so the other two follow him "So what are you doing all the way out here?" Graham asks her and she just smiles "I like being in the woods, being surrounded by nature is something I find calming, it's like an escape for me..." She trails off and he nods his head "What about you hunter? What are you doing walking around the woods on your own?" She asks him and he laughs at the nickname.

"Well technically i'm not alone, i've got her... and I live out here, I always have, I was raised by the wolves after being abandoned by my parents... they're my family." He tells her and she feels bad for him but she can also relate to him, she had felt alone her whole life despite having her father there because he was always busy doing things or trying to continue with his plan to get to another land to find her brother Baelfire, she knew what it was like to be alone with no one to talk to, "I'm sorry..." She says and he shakes his head "It's okay, I like being on my own, it's easier that way." He tells her and she nods her head and they continue walking through the woods.

They got to know each other a lot better as they walked through the woods but Kitty still didn't like the fact that the huntsman had no name so for the past five minutes she had been rhyming off random male names and he had declined all of them so far "Flynn?" She says and he shakes his head "Moe?" She says and he laughs as he shakes his head "definitely not." He says and she laughs as well "yeah you have a point. That was a stupid suggestion on my part." She says before thinking "what about Gray?" She asks him and he thinks about it before he replies "I like it but it feels like it's missing something." He says and she nods thinking about the name for a minute before it hits her.

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