I'm Sorry, Who Are You?

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The next day Kitty goes down to the graveyard and she takes Anidori with her, she had a stroller that the baby girl could lie in. She walks through the graveyard until she comes across a tombstone. She reads it with tears in her eyes.

In honoured memory of
Sheriff Graham
Beloved Friend and Brother
May You Rest In Peace

Kitty approached the tombstone and placed some flowers down "I can't believe how much time I spent looking for you only to find you again in a curse... oh Gray I missed you so much..." Kitty says as he hand gently runs down the side of the tombstone "I wish I knew what happened to you... how you disappeared... why you disappeared." Kitty says trying not to let her tears fall.

"I brought someone to meet you..." she says lifting Anidori out of her pram "okay little baby this is your uncle Gray, he was one of the best men I ever knew." She says to Anidori before looking at the tombstone "this is Anidori, she's my newest little baby Gray... you'd laugh if you met my family, four kids... well five if you count my husband." She says with a small laugh before her smile fades.

"Clocks sake Gray, what happened?" She says and puts Anidori back in her stroller "I'll come and see you often... I promise I will." She says and leans down to kiss the top of the headstone before she wipes away the few tears that had fallen, she hears panting behind her and she turns to see Graham's wolf and she lets out a nervous laugh and bends down extending  her hand towards the wolf.

"Hello old friend, funny finding you again." She says as the wolf comes closer and smells her hand before pouncing on her licking her face repeatedly and she laughs "Alright! Alright I get it! You missed me too! Understood!" She says laughing and the wolf and he moves and sits back his tail wagging at one hundred miles per hour.

"Ah boy I've missed you!" Kitty says happily to the wolf before she stands up and the Wolf jumps up to the stroller balancing on the side of it as it looks at the baby before he looks up at Kitty "this is one of my babies. The others are at home." She explains to the wolf before she hums "we need to name you, it's going to get confusing fast... how about we call you... hunter?" She says and the wolf growls "fine! What about fluffy then?" She says sarcastically and he howls at her and she gets an idea "what about Howl?" She asks and he thinks about it for a minute before wagging his tail.

"Well that solves it... come along Howl." She says to him as she continues pushing the stroller through the graveyard and she finds the tombstone... but before she can properly approach she is distracted...

Ooooooh ooooooh oooooh ooooooh

She looks around but sees absolutely no one near her or even at the graveyard in general and so she holds her head in her hands, she's questioning if maybe she is beginning to lose it for real. She knew she had always been a bit different from others...

In honoured memory of
Beloved Father
May You Rest In Peace

Kitty looks at the tombstone and then she sees the bouquet of roses in the grave and she assumes they're from Belle after she visited. She looks at the tombstone and she remembers everything that happened "why'd you have to hold me back dad? I could've helped you!" She says taking a few breaths so she doesn't cry, her ears were flat against her head.

Howl was whining by her legs as he could sense how sad she was and smiled down at him before she wiped under her eyes. "I never thought I would be living without you here dad... I know we didn't always see eye to eye and whatever but... I miss you dad." She cries and looks up "I can't find Neal don't know where papa is! I don't know who cursed us! Henry's god knows where with Emma!" She rants off before taking a deep breath.

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