Family Pride and Families Reunite

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"Miss. Gold... How nice to see you again." The man just gave her an eery smile and Jefferson stepped up beside and wrapped his arm around her waist "It's Mrs. Hatter." He says narrowing his eyes at Dr. Isaac "I take it the feral child belongs to the two of you then... I mean I'm hardly surprised if this is the example she must be following." He says with his hand on his own daughters shoulder and Jefferson goes to step forward "You wanna say that again asshole." He says almost getting in the mans face when the head master comes out "Mr and Mrs. Hatter? You can come in now, you as well Grace." The woman says and they nod and Kitty gently tugs on Jefferson's arm "come on love." She says and he gives the man a glare and pushes Anidori's stroller into the main office and they sat down in front of the head teachers desk.

Grace sits on her mothers lap and Kitty waves her hand to fix the girls hair and appearance, and they sit and wait for the principal to start talking "Mr and Mrs. Hatter I appreciate you coming down so quickly, I won't beat around the bush, today at lunch your daughter, Grace, attacked three of her peers, one girl has a broken nose, the other has a concussion and the third girl was sent to the hospital with a broken arm and a broken nose and a swollen eye socket." The principal explains and Grace mumbles under her breath "I didn't attack them." She says and only Kitty hears it. "Could I ask you a question? Principal..." Kitty trails off waiting for the principal to say their name "Hannigan, Principal Hannigan." She says and Kitty nods "right... principal Hannigan, what happened to promote this fight? Grace wouldn't just attack three girls, that's ridiculous... she was also covered in cake and icing from a cake I made for her... so I ask you principal Hannigan... what actually happened?" Kitty asks and the principal looks shocked and begins looking through papers.

"Well Grace has told us that the girls were saying some things about her and her family... but the other three girls say that wasn't true and they are swearing by it... and that does make it three against one." Hannigan says and Jefferson is appalled "you have got to be kidding me... so your telling me you are listening to the three girls who have clearly ganged up against my daughter, you know I would've thought it would be obvious that if three little girls are friends that they are obviously going to back each other up with the same story." Jefferson says and Principal Hannigan just sighs and places her hands on the desk "Well even if that were true, Grace put a student in the hospital, the severity of this cannot be ignored so I'm sorry... but Grace will be suspended for a week." The principal says shocking them all.

"Suspended?! They've been making my life miserable for ages! This isn't fair! They came over to me and were being mean! They ripped up my note and smushed my cupcake into my hair!" Grace says upset and tears begin running down her face and the principal sighs whilst Kitty and Jefferson both have lumps in their throats hearing what happenned to their daughter. "If they have been doing all the things that you are accusing them of Grace then answer me this, why didn't you speak up and tell someone?" The principal asks and Grace's lip are quivering as she tries not to sob "...because of this... I knew you wouldn't believe me." The girl says and Kitty holds her close and wipes both her tears and Grace's away.

"Well... Principal Hannagin, we will be taking Grace home now... actually, we're going to go and have lunch at Granny's and were gonna get some milkshakes... oh! I would also like to know where my son is because he will be leaving with us right now." Kitty says and Principal Hannigan shakes her head "Mrs. Hatter I cannot allow you to remove Jack from his classroom, being as uneducated as he is, he cannot be missing school. That boy needs to catch up on his education and learn about how to act and behave in an appropriate manner." The principal says and that is enough to set Jefferson off and he slams his hands on her desk as he stands up "Don't you ever speak about my son like that ever again." Jefferson warns her and she nods.

"I know where Jack's class is papa." Grace says and Jefferson nods with a smirk "Well let's go and get him sweetheart." Jefferson says and nods to Kitty who nods back and she waits until they have gone before she glares at the head teacher "I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you, Principal Hannigan. My children's godmother happens to mayor of this town and now... It would be a shame if the mayor got a wild notion that perhaps she believed the school could use a new head teacher... wouldn't it?" Kitty gives her signature grin before she takes Anidori and leaves the office and the school waiting for her husband and children out front of the school.

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