Our Son

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Jefferson had scooped up his wife and began running back to the camp as quickly as he could, Regina was at his back and they run back to camp, he didn't know what to do but bringing her back to camp, it was killing him to look at his and see her blank expression and barely blinking eyes, it was like she was stuck in some sort of trance unable to break out, Regina had assured him that whatever was wrong with her it was fully psychological but that made the man feel worse, he wondered if how he had acted had caused this to happen, he tried not to think about it too much and pushed onward running towards the camp as Regina tried keeping up although it was a bit difficult as she was running in heels, Jefferson runs into camp and Snow and Emma look horrified as they see the state that Kitty is in and the two kids freak out and run over as Jefferson lays her down and Emma covers her mouth with her hand in shock. 

"what happened to her?" Emma asks and Jefferson gestures to her arm "Dream shade." He says and Grace's eyes go wide as she realises both her mother and David have been hit with the dream shade and she knows what she has to do "I need to find Killian!" She shouts and gets up running off into the woods after her grandfather and David and Jefferson calls after her "Grace! Grace come back here right now!" Jefferson calls after her but she ignores him and keeps on running, she had to catch up with them quickly and Jack looks down at Kitty and places his hands over the wound on her arm and the skin seems to frost over and Snow quickly moves over "what are you doing?!" She asks him horrified and he ignores her tone. 

"trying to save her, the frost will keep the poison from spreading... it'll slow the circulation without harming her... hopefully..." he says nervously when he sees everyone staring at him and he looks down at Kitty's face to see her just staring "what's wrong with her?" He asks afraid and Jefferson sighs "I... I don't know Jack." He says and the little boy pushes Kitty's hair out of her face "please... come back Kitty we need you! Please wake up..." He whispers to her and Jefferson wraps his arm around the boy noticing that he feels colder than usual, so he holds the boy close pulling his large coat over the boy slightly.

The two of them stay with Kitty whilst Regina, Emma and Snow went to go and try to find a way to get into Pan's camp to see Henry or at least give him a message. Jefferson and Jack sat side by side by Kitty who seemed to be responding a little  bit more when either of them would talk to her or touch her arm "so what do you think about it then?" Jefferson asks Jack who hadn't really paying attention "what sorry?" Jack asks shaking his head snapping out of his thoughts "I asked how you felt about being a apart of our family, of being our son?" Jefferson asks the small boy and he looks down at Kitty before looking at Jefferson "I would love it... I really really would... you would actually want me" He says and turns slightly to hug Jefferson and the man returns the embrace kissing the boys head "Of course Jack." He says and the little boy nods his head happily.

"well there we are then my son..." Jefferson says and they hear a small sob and look down to see Kitty crying "my baby boy..." she cries and Jefferson moves to sit behind her so he can wrap his arms around her and she begins crying "it was my fault... our son... he was there..." she begins crying and Jefferson realises what's been happening. "L... Lorelia... she was right in front of me... I killed her..." she cries and Jefferson shakes his head "my love I need you to listen to me... okay? Listen to me, it was an accident, Lorelias death wasn't your fault... you were trying to protect the children from the men, you lost control it was an accident." He says and Kitty keeps crying. 

"I can't... I can't get his face out of my head... our son... he didn't have a name... It's my fault he never got a name... why couldn't he have a name?... It's all my fault..." she cries and she gets hit with an excruciating pain and she cries out and Jack panics "Kitty!" He says worried and puts his hand over the wound "it's getting worse! I... I don't know how! The frost should've helped! I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" The little boy panics and the air gets colder. Jefferson feels bad for the little boy who has been trying his best "Jack... it's okay buddy! Look at me, that's it... it's alright you did your best." Jefferson assured him but he looks down at Kitty "but she's getting worse!" He says and Jefferson nods his head. 

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