The Tavern Singer To The Queen Of Broken Hearts

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Kitty had discovered a small little tavern near the docks but far enough away that she felt safe to go to the small tavern, she was feeling more curious than usual which she knew was definitely one of her flaws and she decided she would walk a little closer to the docks than usual, she always felt drawn to the water no matter what she did, when she brought it up to her father before he flew off the handles losing his temper with her so she decided she would keep it quiet from now on. She slowly walked down towards the docks with every step her heat beat sped up and she saw a ship gently swaying on the water and she felt frozen in place, her hood of her cloak was gently moving with the wind but it stayed over her ears and kept her tail hidden. 

She knew how dangerous to be down here because her father had done nothing but warn her about the danger of pirates and all the horrible things that would happen to her, she had never been this close before but when she looked out towards the water and saw the horizon with the sun setting she saw just how beautiful it actually was. She looked up at the ship and saw two words on the back 'Jolly Roger' and she guessed that's what the ship was called and so she quickly and quietly walked past the ship to walk down to the end of the docks, her heat was pounding so fast she believed it would burst out of her chest, she had never ever been this close to a pirate ship before, she had never been this close to the water before, she had no idea how to swim so she was careful when she sat down that she didn't dangle her legs too far off of the edge. 

She was sitting there for a while not noticing the pirate approaching her "You alright there lass?" She heard a voice call out and she froze, her face paled as she realised it was a pirate who called out to her "I..I'm just fine thank you, just watching the sun set, if im in the way I can leave! I don't want to be in anyone's way." She is quick to say without turning and she hears a laugh "Yer alright lass, you have got a point, it's a beauty to watch, one of the things I love about my life..." He trails off and Kitty is confused why the pirate hasn't tried to hurt her yet. "Don't you just... never mind..." she says deciding that if she finishes her question she might actually get attacked so instead she hovers her hand over the water and a stone flies up out of the water into her hand before she throws it away further towards the water. 

The pirate watched her do so with wide eyes "your a peculiar one aren't you lass?" He asks her and she shrugs "define peculiar." She says as she narrows her eyes at the water and he laughs before moving to walk to away "as much as I am friendly some others aren't I suggest you scurry back home lass before you run into a pirate who is as scary as you clearly believe we all are." he says and Kitty freezes and she listens to the man walk away she plucks enough courage to turn to look at him walking away but the only memorable thing she sees is a hook is replacing his left hand and it makes Kitty nervous so she fidgets with her rings on her hands before she gets up and begins making her way to the tavern.

Kitty was heading back to the tavern that was near the docks because she had agreed to sing for them, so she had her cloak sitting just over her ears and she kept her eyes down to avoid anyone noticing her, and she stood on the bar using her feet for the beat for her songs, she knew if her father knew she was here he would have a heart attack and probably lock her away so she wouldn't go out and get into these situations "Oh the wind whistles down the cold dark street tonight and the people they were dancing to  the music vibe," She sings as one of the men in the corner begins playing his guitar along with Kitty singing and people start stamping their feet and hitting their tankards off of the table.

"And the boys chase the girls with curls in their hair while the shy tormented youth sit way over there and the songs they get louder each one louder than before." She continued singing but she moved from the bar and jumped onto one of the tables making everyone cheer as she continued singing her song not noticing the group of people who walked in through the door, she never saw the silver hooked handed ringleader "And you're singing the songs thinking this is the life, and you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size, where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight." She sings spinning in a circle, making some of the people in the tavern get up and dance along to Kitty's singing whilst the new group of men sat at the empty table in the back and called over a barmaid. 

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