Telling the Truth and Tacos

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"I know what you did dad... and I want to know why you lied to me." She says and Golds face changes completely "Kitty, what on earth are you talking about?" He asks her but she can tell that he's nervous because of how he's acting and she just stares at him "I'm talking about my past dad, now I'm going to ask you some questions and your going to give me some answers... some truthful answers." Kitty says and Rumple nods his head before sitting down across from her quickly trying to come up with a plan "I have nothing to hide Kitty, ask away." He says as he sits down, he waves his fingers as he sits down which it seems that Kitty doesn't notice but Rumple had decided to use his magic to get inside Kitty's head to influence her opinion "something happened in the enchanted forest... well rather we met someone and they told Emma something about me... so I wanted to ask you about it." She says being very vague so she could try and study her fathers reactions but he sat straight faced listening to her. 

"right and you just believed this person because..." he says trailing off and Kitty feels a sort of itch at the back of her head that she can't describe "his story lines up with certain... details of my childhood dad... I want to ask you some questions." She says and Rumple just nods his head "does the name Killian Jones ring any bells?" She asks and watched as his jaw tightened and he nodded "that was the pirate that killed your mother." He says and Kitty just nods her head "you sure about that? Because he remembers you killing his wife Milah and his daughter... Kitty." She says and she sees something in his eyes changing "but you see... I don't think you killed her, I think that you took her to get back at him... that you needed something to prove that you were better than him..." she says and Rumple begins to panic because as much as it wasn't always his plan to keep Kitty he did love her... eventually.

"I'm not your daughter... am I dad?" She asks and Rumple knows she won't forgive him but he moves his hand again and Kitty falls into a trance like state in front of Rumple and he moves to kneel in front of her and holds her hands "I'm so sorry sweetheart... Emma was lied to by that man, he is the reason your mother is dead, he has been a long time enemy of mine and he would do anything to get back at me including turning you against me, everything you were told is a lie, you are my daughter, you have always been my daughter, and you will always be my daughter." He said to her with a slight fear in his voice and he watched as she blinked and a tear ran down her cheek and she looked at him "so it's true..." is all she says and he is confused because she should've believed him. "your forgetting that I was prepared for anything when I came here... but I didn't once think you'd try to manipulate me..." Kitty says shaking her and standing up pushing her father away from her. 

"Kitty please let me explain." He begs her but she begins to back away from him "you could've told me the truth... I would've listened to you but you chose the easy way, you chose to lie... do you have any idea how important this was to me? To know the truth because I actually thought..." she cuts herself off with a laugh "I actually thought it was a lie, I thought to myself no, dad would never do that, he might be the dark one but he would never go that far... how wrong was I... I can't believe you... after everything you still couldn't tell me the truth? I... I don't think you should see me anymore d... Mr. Gold... I think that you should stay away from me and my family... clearly if you cared about me you would've just told me the truth, I guess you didn't love me after all." Kitty says as tears still fall down her face, and Rumple shakes his head. 

"no no Kitty please listen to me, I... I was scared I didn't want to lose you! I see that it was wrong now but please Kitty you can't ask me to do that, you are my daughter! Grace is my granddaughter! You can't ask me to stay away from you!" He begs her as tears start to build in his own eyes "It's your fault! If you had just told me what had happened! Sure it would've hurt! But it's better than being lied to by the man you loved the most! You were supposed to be my father! I trusted you... now I don't know what's real and what isn't... I take it Baelfire isn't my brother then." She says and Rumple shakes his head "technically he's your half brother." He says and Kitty just huffs out a laugh as she wipes her eyes. She couldn't believe this. 

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