Dont Mess With Grandpappy Gold

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It had been a wild few days in Storybrooke, everyone was going crazy in the town between trying to find loved ones and adjusting to the curse being broken things had been crazy, David had once joked with Kitty that if her and Snow ever had a girls vacation or went somewhere without him that he would be fine... oh how he had been wrong... He had almost started a fire in the apartment... he smashed a vase... he had no idea how to cook, he really missed them all, it was hard watching his daughter, his best friend and then his wife fall through a portal, he was heartbroken, he had just reunited with them all and now he has lost them all again... he was keeping his eye out for Grace because he knew that she would be all alone without her mother and at the same time he was trying to watch Henry... 

So yeah he would like to say he was coping... but he really wasn't. Currently David was practicing a speech in front of the mirror while Henry watches "People of Storybrooke. I know we're trapped together again, and things look bleak. But... They're not." He says before sighing with his shoulders dropping in disappointment, it was clear that he had no confidence in himself but Henry smiled at him "No, keep going. You were on to something." Henry encourages him and David shakes his head "No, I wasn't. I did the fighting, Snow did the talking... and Kitty was the compassionate, she was the one who helped people." David says trying to stay positive but he missed them so much and so he moved and pulls the hat out of his bag. 

"Can I see that?" Henry asks and David shrugs "Yeah." He hands the hat to Henry and Henry gasps "I think I know what this is." He says and flips through the book until he finds Jefferson and Kitty's story and points to a picture of Jefferson wearing the hat "It's the Mad Hatter's hat. It's a portal between worlds." He says and David looks sad hearing that name being given to a man he had known "The Mad Matter is Jefferson..." he trails off sadly now believing that it was completely hopeless because Kitty had found out in the enchanted forest that Jefferson was dead... that was a difficult time for everyone, Kitty had been in a type of paralysed state, she wouldn't move or do anything and Grace was much the same, she had stayed with Kitty for weeks before she started to redirect her sadness and anger on the others "You know him?" Henry says with a smile and David nods. 

"sure, he's Kitty's husband, Grace's dad and he actually came to be one of my friends back in the enchanted forest because of Kitty of course... but he died Henry he was killed when he was betrayed and left in Wonderland by your mother." David says and Henry looks confused as he stares at his grandpa "Jefferson's alive... I've spoke to him." He says and David turns to him "what?" He asks and Henry nods "Jefferson is alive, he was always keeping an eye on aunt Kitty and he would leave her flowers outside her café everyday for her to find... he's not dead." Henry says and David's eyes widen and he sits down for a moment, he needs a second to process what Henry has just told him. 

"Maybe he'll check in at the Crisis Center. You could check after the thing." Henry says as he flicks over the page to see a photo of Jefferson, Kitty and Grace, at their wedding before Grace went with David and Snow. He decided to keep an eye out for Grace, she had been helping him when his aunt was in her coma and she had become one of his friends but he was worried about her because she was always acting jumpy and trying to keep her sleeves pulled down, he was scared and worried about her because he was worried that she was being hurt by someone... he couldn't think on it long because David asked him a question. 

"What thing?" David asks and Henry looks at him "The meeting? Where you tell us about your plan, remember? The speech you were doing?" Henry reminds him and David nods his head "Right. I'll be back for that." He says and David gets up and leaves while Henry is rushing to pack his bag as he tries to go with him "Gramps, you got to use me. Come on! The curse was broken cause of me. Let me help!" He shouts but here's the door shut and he sighs "Or...not." He says before getting an idea of his own... he could find Grace! He looked at his watch to see he had an hour and a half to find her and get to the meeting so he decided the first place he would go to is her house. He knew where she lived because 'Paige' had showed him before where she was staying.

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