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After the smoke cleared Henry felt something furry wrapped around him and he looked down to see a blue and grey tail and he gasped and that attracted Emma's attention and Kitty quickly jumped up and moved away pulling her hood up to cover her ears from Henry's view and she turns away from them to hide her eyes "Kitty?" Emma asked and the woman was shaking slightly "maybe I should go... you haven't seen me like this before I don't want to scare you." Kitty says and Henry shakes his head "I've seen what you look like from the book, it's not scary it's cool!" Henry says and it was then Emma remembered who she was and realised she must have her feline features back and it would be a lie if she didn't admit she was rather intrigued to see them.

"Kitty you don't have to be afraid that we'll judge you... we won't... we would never." Emma says to her and Kitty thinks for a second before she turns around and looks Emma in the eye and the woman is in shock at first before she is completely in awe of Kitty's bright blue cat eyes and so is Henry and the young boy smiles at her "they're so cool!" Henry says and Kitty gives him a grateful smile and she moves over to hug him tightly before she moves back and pushes her hood down revealing her ears as well and both of the people in front of her laugh annd smile "You look awesome Kitty." Emma says and Kitty hugs them both tightly a few tears slip from her eyes from happiness that two of the most important people to her aren't scared of her true appearance, she pulls back and looks at them both. 

"You probably have people looking for you both, let's not keep them waiting for too long shall we?" Kitty grins and Emma could instantly see the connection to the Cheshire cat now that she had the ears, the tail and the eyes... but emma nodded and Henry saw his clothes on the chair and picked them up going into the bathroom to change whilst Emma began pacing "are you okay Emma?" Kitty asks and the woman nods "just... just nervous... I've dreamed of this moment my whole life but I don't know if this was ever how I expected it to happen though." Emma tells her and she nods her head "I understand Emma, but don't worry I assure you that they are just as nervous to meet you as you are to meet them, they'll be worrying that they aren't enough for you." Kitty tells her and she nods and calms down as they wait for Henry and when he comes out they leave the hospital and walk to Main Street and Kitty hears some familiar voices. 

"and now we find our daughter." She hears Snow and Emma, who has been standing behind them, speaks up "So, it's true." She says as Kitty and Henry walk up hand in hand, Mary Margaret cups Emma's face before hugging her, and Kitty can see the woman but if crying but she notices that Emma does not return the gesture "You found us." Mary Margaret says and then David joins in on the hug and Henry gets curious "Grandpa?" He says and it makes Kitty burst out laughing and so does David "Yeah, kid. I suppose so." He says hugging Henry and then he looks up at Kitty "Kitty..." he trails off as he grabs her and hugs her tightly "Hey sheep boy..." she says and they both laugh and hold each other tighter "She did it. She saved you." Henry says and the charmings assume that he is talking about Emma. 

"She saved all of us." Mary Margaret says as she looks at Emma smiling and the blonde woman stutters a little "I... Well... I never broke the curse... Kitty did." She says and David looks at Kitty who he had wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she nods her head saying it was true "Uh, then why are we still here?" Leroy asks and David sighs "That, my friend, is an excellent question." He says and Mr. Clark steps forward to talk "Well, what was that smoke?" He asks whilst other men speak over each other "Who did this? What was that smoke? A-And why? And what was that smoke?" They all keep asking but Kitty isn't really listening as she looks around the streets... she was sure that she had saw Jefferson before the curse was broken... was she going crazy? Had Jefferson been here? Had he not died in wonderland? What had happened? "Magic. It's here. I can feel it." Mother superior says and it makes Kitty scoff. 

"me and you both blue." Kitty says wiggling her ears and tail for emphasis and Henry laughs at her before he turns to Mother superior "Magic? In Storybrooke? You're the Blue Fairy. Do something magical." He says and the woman laughs "It's not quite that simple, Henry. No wand, no fairy dust... Matters are complicated, now." She says and Leroy steps forward "Let's go to the person responsible for bringing it – the Queen." He says and Emma and Kitty both shake their head "No, wait. It wasn't Regina... it was more likely my father" Kitty says and they begin walking down the street towards Mr. Golds shop "Is there anything that you want to ask us? You must have questions." Mary Margaret says and David just notices that Kitty keeps looking around "Who you looking for Kitty?" He asks her and she sighs and looks down. 

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