★ fifty seven ★

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           After recovering from the little break down I had in the bathroom, Nikki and I took a much needed shower together. We caressed every inch of each other and covered each other with soap, warmth, and love. It felt like heaven. We stayed in there until the water ran cold. 

Nikki looked down at my reaction to the cold water with a chuckle. He pulled me by my shoulder and planted a kiss on my forehead. "I could've fallen asleep in here with you." He reached behind me to turn off the tap.

"For a minute there, I think you did" I smiled softly up at him. In response he stuck his tongue out  at me. I lurched forward and bit down on the tip of it softly making him growl playfully.

I got out of the shower with Nikki following shortly after. But not before he gave my ass a smack. I smirked and shook my head slightly at his actions. I love this man. I love how I feel with him. I love the days that are just effortless. I wish every day could be as good as this one.

We dried ourselves off before heading into our bedroom and slipping in to some comfy clothes. Nikki proposed that we spend the rest of our day cuddling, relaxing, and watching movies. It sounded like a great idea to me so of course I agreed. 

As we were cuddled up and about half an hour into Top Gun, I felt a kick. I stilled and thought that maybe I was imagining it. Until my baby started to kick again.

"Holy shit!" I cheered, grinning from ear to ear.

"What? What?! What's going on??" Nikki asked, sitting up and looking alarmed. 

"Our baby is kicking!" I could feel my smile growing across my face. 

His reaction completely changed. His smile looked so beautiful. "Are you serious?! Can I feel?" I nodded eagerly at his questions and he leaned in close and rubbed his right hand over my growing belly. His face lit up even more, which I didn't think was possible but here we are. He looked so beautiful. So tranquil. God, I love him. 

"Hey there little one" Nikki smiled, running his hand gently over my belly. I got myself comfortable, letting Nikki take his time talking to our child. 

"Well, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm gonna talk to you anyway," Nikki laughed softly. I smiled at him and he continued. "I don't even know your name yet, what you look like, or who you will be. But I do know is that I love you and I always will. You're gonna be beautiful, talented, and incredible, just like your mom. And you'll definitely have great hair, just like your dad." I couldn't help but laugh at his words. 

He placed a kiss on my belly. "I can't wait to meet you." He cuddled gently into me, holding around my belly. We felt another soft kick, making us both grin like hell. 

"We're actually going to be parents" I said out loud after a while of sitting in silence. 

"Yeah, we really are. This is insane!" Nikki smiled up at me, hugging me a little tighter as he rested his head lightly on my belly. 

"You can say that again" I agreed as I ran my fingers through his soft black hair.

"We haven't even thought of a name yet" Nikki pondered making me realize that he was right. 

"Oh God, you're right. Is this what's gonna break us up? Not being able to agree on a name?" I sighed overdramatically making him laugh loudly. 

"No chance there doll. You ain't getting rid of me that easily." he smirked up at me through his mess of hair. I giggled at his remark and rolled my eyes playfully.

"I wouldn't want it any other way, love."

. . .

A/N: Here's some fluffity fluff fluff to make your heart happy. At least, I hope it does. It definitely cheered me up. 

How are we feeling about these recent chapters? Yay? Nay? I love feedback so give it to me please & thank you (yes I'm aware how wrong that sounded, don't even lmao).

Hope you're still enjoying the story and please report "Live Wire" cause some "author" literally ripped off my Wild Side story and even though I reached out to them, they still won't take it down. Thanks! 

Take care of yourself & each other. xo ~

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