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     I shouldn't have been surprised. She was his girlfriend after all. And yet, I still felt kinda shitty. I knew he was too good to be true. He likes to play with people's feelings and minds too much. 

I avoided Nikki's stare and my eyes met Mick. He shot me a sympathetic smile. I shrugged at him and mouthed "told ya so". 

"Ramone, can I get you a drink?" Tommy asked, coming up next to me. 

"Why of course ya can T-Bone" I got up on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. I could feel Nikki's eyes burning holes into my skin but again, I refused to look at him. Tommy linked his arm with mine and we headed over to get me a jack and coke. 

"Honestly Ria, I thought he was getting rid of that Vanity chick. Sorry" he said once we were farther away from the group and at the little makeshift bar. 

"I don't know what you're getting at Tom" I looked at him funny.

He shot me a "bitch are you serious?" look and I nearly laughed. "Yeah okay there Ria." he chuckled, making me a VERY strong jack and coke. I nearly choked on the drink and thanked him. 

"Anything for my girl" Tommy grinned. 

"Well well, Tommy aren't you gonna introduce us to your girl?" I heard a voice speak up. I turned my head and my jaw nearly dropped. Holy shit, it was Guns N Roses!

"Hey guys, was wondering when you'd get here. This is the lovely Maria Ramos, but we call her Ria. And Ria, this is Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, and Steven." Tommy pointed to each member as if I didn't already know who they were. 

"Hi" I smiled shyly. 

"Hi Ria" they all said in unison, making me laugh. It sounded like we were at a damn AA meeting. I got to know the guys a bit better and they were all making themselves drinks. Slash had taken a seat next to me. 

"So, I know you go by Ria but can I just call you beautiful?" he smiled at me, making me nearly blush. That was so cheesy and yet so smooth. 

"That depends, are you gonna tell me where you got that top hat?" I asked, nodding to his kickass hat. 

"Oh this? I stole it from some thrift store." he dismissed. 

"Really?" I asked at his straightforward answer. He just nodded. I laughed. "That's badass." His smile grew and he laughed with me, thanking me. 

"Yo Tommy come on man, it's showtime!" I heard Vince holler. 

"Oh yeah right," Tommy laughed. "you guys coming?" he looked at all of us. 

"Yeah man, we'll be right there." Duff nodded. 

"Go kill it, T-Bone" I smiled making him blow a kiss back at me. He took off to catch up with his band. When I followed his gaze, I saw Nikki and Vanity. She was dancing around attempting to look sexy I guess, and Nikki well, he was staring right at me. And just when I thought his stare couldn't get any colder, Slash put his hand on my thigh. 

"You wanna grab another drink and go watch them play?" Slash asked, regaining my attention. 

"What are you, a mind reader?" I joked, making him laugh. 

"Eh well, I guess I'm a man of many talents" he winked, making me blush slightly. 

"I'll be the judge of that" I winked right back, getting up from my seat and walking over to the "bar". I felt a hand slap my ass and I turned around to see a rather cheeky looking Slash. I shot him my middle finger and laughed. 

Once we had our drinks, we made our way back over to the stage, following the rest of Guns. Slash had thrown his arm over my shoulder and we made easy conversation. He was such a cool guy, even though he didn't see himself that way. We had a lot of similar interests and I felt like I could be myself around him. I liked that. 

Once we were side stage, I introduced Guns to my band mates. "Wait, you're in a band?" Axl asked, eyes widened slightly. I just nodded in response.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter" Slash mumbled, but I caught it. I looked at him with a smirk and he blushed slightly once he realized I had heard what he said. 

"So what's your band's name then?" Izzy asked. 

"We still don't have one. This one's too indecisive." Tony nodded over at me, making me roll my eyes. 

"Women" Duff joked making me glare at him playfully. 

"Well I thought a good name would be Iggy and The Stooges, but that one's already taken" I said, making all the guys laugh. We watched on Motley absolutely kill their set and I kept seeing Nikki stare at me every now and then. He saw how close I was to Slash and his jaw clenched at the sight. Once they wrapped up their song "Wild Side", Nikki chucked his bass up in the air and across the stage. 

It landed a few feet away from Slash. 

"Oh shit, does he always do that?" Slash asked me, as he shuffled over towards me even more. 

I shrugged my shoulders in response. "Only when he feels he needs a new bass" my answer made him laugh. 

The guys played for another hour and then ended their show, thanking the crowd and exiting the stage. 

We all praised them for their performance and made our way to their dressing room so the guys could grab their stuff and we could head back to the hotel. Everyone was in their own conversations as I was looking for the pre-rolled joints I had in one of my pockets. I felt someone grab me by my arm rather forcefully and I looked up to see Nikki. And he didn't look too happy. 

"We need to talk" he said, pulling me with him in the opposite direction of the guys. They didn't even seem to notice. 


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