★ thirty two ★

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     I was so thankful that today was our "off day" and that the show wasn't until tomorrow

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     I was so thankful that today was our "off day" and that the show wasn't until tomorrow. However, Infamous was the only band who didn't show up to do our "check in" of sorts and fuck did that ever make us look bad. I was so embarrassed. The boys of Crue vouched for me and the boys thankfully but still. We were the opening band and they could cut us from the rest of the tour if they wanted to. And I voiced that to Nikki obviously. 

"Over my dead fuckin' body. You earned your spot on this tour and they're not gonna take you away from me that easily" he said as he played with my hair. 

"And how did I earn my spot? By sleeping with you?" I joked but the tone in my voice sounded serious. 

"Oh shut up and stop being so modest. You have real talent and so do your boys. You guys are gonna be huge one day." Nikki smiled at me, making me melt at the sight and smile right back. 

"I think you may be a little bit bias baby, but thank you" I beamed making him roll his eyes playfully. 

"Maybe a little bit but come on; you've seen the reactions you guys have been getting lately, people love you and your music. Rightfully so" Nikki complimented me with a smile making me grin right back. 

"That has been pretty cool. I saw some people even singing my lyrics, I couldn't believe it!" I admitted making Nikki's smile grow. 

"It's a great feeling, isn't it?" he asked, rubbing my arm. I nodded my head 'yes' at his question. "Maybe you guys can come on tour with us overseas, help get you out there even more" he offered but my smile faded. "What's wrong?" Nikki asked.

"The uhm, the reason I freaked out so hard earlier was because the guys were fighting. Not over a silly little argument, it was a pretty big one. Tony basically said there was no point in us being a band anymore if no one can trust anybody. I'm g-gonna lose my family" my voice pretty much gave out as the negative thoughts came back and swarmed my head. 

"They did this to you?" Nikki asked, his eyes had narrowed. 

"Well not intentionally but I guess not being able to get them to work shit out and the thought of us all not being friends anymore really scares me. They've helped me get through so much. This is our dream and I can't do it without them." I admitted, trying not to cry.

Nikki nodded in understanding and he stood up. "Come on" he said, holding his hand out for me. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, taking his hand and standing with him. 

"To tell your boys exactly what you just said" he said as we exited the bus. 

"But they won't listen to me" I frowned, feeling myself start to panic again.

"Oh they're gonna fuckin' listen to you" Nikki practically growled, storming over to the Infamous bus, with me in tow. Oh boy.

Nikki slammed the bus door open, startling the shit out of Tony who jumped in his seat. "What the fuck?" he asked. 

"Where are the other two fuckin' idiots?!" Nikki snarled, cutting to the chase. 

"Uhm, in the back of the bus I guess?" Tony said, not understanding Nikki's mood. Tony looked over at me funny and I couldn't even form the words. Nikki stormed over to the back of the bus and kicked the door open earning a chorus of "what the fuck?"s from Stevie and Jason. 

"Get your fuckin' asses out there now!" Nikki shouted, startling me and Tony.

"What did you do to him?" Tony asked me. 

"Scared him half to death" I muttered, not meeting his confused gaze. 

Jason, Stevie, and Nikki all came out to meet us in the "living room" of the bus. "Mind telling us what's going on?" Jason asked, clearly unimpressed. 

"Oh allow me," Nikki spoke condescendingly. "you idiots caused Ria to have an anxiety attack. I don't know what the hell you fucks were arguing about and honestly, I don't care! Just grow up, work your shit out, and move on with your lives. You guys aren't just a band, you're family! Like shit man, I shouldn't have to spell it out for you!" he was practically screaming. 

Everyone's eyes were on me. "Is that true?" Stevie was the first to ask. All I did was nod.

"Shit Ria, come here" Tony said, pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back immediately. Jason and Stevie joined in as well. 

"Sorry I just- please tell me the band's not breaking up. I couldn't bear it." I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. 

"We're not leaving you ever kiddo" Jason spoke up, the guys nodding in agreement. 

I saw Nikki had a little smile on his face. "Alright, I'm gonna let you guys talk it out and I will see you later" he pointed at me and sent me a wink. I smiled at Nikki and blew him a kiss as he exited the bus. 

"Well come sit, we've got some shit to discuss" Stevie gestured as they all took their seats on the couches. I found myself smiling and did as they said. We were gonna work this out, I just knew it.

Cause at the end of the day, it was my boys and I against the world. 

. . .

A/N: How are we feeling about this chapter? Yay? Nay? 

I figured I'd post it since I had already started on it yesterday. I have to be honest with you, I don't know when my next update on this book will be. 

Shit went down and to make a long story short; some fucker broke into my car last night before I had to leave for work and it really fucking scared me. It's always been a big fear of mine that someone would break into my car and it finally happened. Nothing was stolen thankfully because I don't keep important shit in my car but damn, I had quite an anxiety attack over it. So please bear with me because I'm really sorry :( 

Thanks for showing this book so much love, you guys rock my world! I hope to be back writing soon! ~

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