★ twenty one ★

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     It's the first day of the tour and reality was starting to hit me

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     It's the first day of the tour and reality was starting to hit me. We were on our first real tour. What if I screw it up? What if no one likes our set? What if no one reacts? What if-

"Hey babe, you ready for your first show tonight?" Slash broke my train of thought as he took  a seat next to me on the edge of the stage. 

"Yeah" I smiled softly at him but he knew better. 

"You're nervous, huh?" he chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 

"Is it that obvious?" I asked, my voice cracking a little. Slash's eyes softened. I noticed he stopped wearing his sunglasses when it was just the two of us around. This started happening after I told him that I wish I could see his eyes more. 

"Baby, you're gonna be fine. More than fine. You and the guys have been killing it during your rehearsals. Just breathe Ria" he smiled softly, making me smile back up at him. I pulled him closer to me so I could kiss him. 

When we both pulled away, I took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes, Slash was already staring at me intently. I smiled warmly at my man. He truly was one of a kind. "Thank you Saul, you're too good to me" 

He grimaced slightly at the mention of his real name. "I'm gonna let that one slide for now" 

"You're just the greatest, you know that Sauuuuul?" I dragged his name out, taunting him.

"Oh you are soooo gonna get it later, sweetie" he mocked me playfully with a little growl. 

"I don't doubt it" I stuck my tongue out. Slash lurched forward and bit down gently on my tongue making me let out a squeal at the abrupt movement. 

"Oh you two make me sick" Tony gagged jokingly making me roll my eyes as he took a seat next to us. 

"Groupies ain't here yet, Tone?" I asked, making Slash snicker. 

Tony shoved me playfully into Slash and I just laughed. "Nah, it's not that. I can't find Steven and Jason anywhere. We go on in like an hour or so." Shit time, really was flying by.

"Shit, you're right. We should go look for them," I stood up with Tony and Slash. "I'll see ya later?" I asked my boyfriend. My boyfriend. That was such a weird thing for me to say.

"Most definitely" he smiled down at me and pecked me on the lips. I smiled and walked off with Tony in search for our other band mates. 

"Were they in our dressing room?" I asked as we made our way around the backstage area. 

"No, I checked there twice already." Tony sighed. 

"The van? Crue's dressing room?" I started spitting out ideas. 

"I checked the van and they weren't there but I can try again." Tony offered. We were approaching our dressing room. 

"How about I grab the keys and check the van and you check Crue's room?" I asked, Tony nodded in understanding. He knew I had been distancing myself from the boys. Not because I hated them, but they were always with Nikki. Rightfully so, cause they're a band for fucks sake. I just couldn't deal with him right now. Or maybe ever. 

We parted ways and I entered our dressing room. And I walked right in to find the last person I wanted to deal with right now. 

"There she is" Nikki taunted. 

I didn't say a word, walked over to grab the keys to the van, and headed for the door. Nikki wasn't digging the silent treatment I guess; cause in the blink of an eye, he was right next to me and slammed the door shut, preventing me from leaving. He stood up against the door and looked down at me. "Not even gonna acknowledge me anymore, huh?" 

"What's the point? All you ever do is talk down to me. Don't you have anything better to do?" I asked with a sigh. 

"Oh there are plenty of better things I could do with you but I don't think your boyfriend would be too fond of that." he smirked. 

"You're disgusting," I tried moving him away from the door but he wouldn't budge. "can you let me through please? I need to find Steven and Jason" 

"Oh those fags? Pretty sure I saw them on the way to our dressing room" he replied. I looked up at him. 

"Those fags as you put it are my band mates so don't fucking talk about them like that" I snarled. I was fine with him talking shit about me, I could handle that. But you don't mess with my family. 

Nikki's eyes lit up at my sudden change in attitude. "Well I call 'em how I see 'em babe, you know that. They're always really close to each other and are always running off together. Surely you've caught on to that. That is, if you can think about anyone else but yourself for five seconds." he taunted. Oh this bitch.

"Excuse me? I know you're not the one that's calling me selfish. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Like not just to vainly stare at yourself I mean, like REALLY fucking looked. YOU are the most self-centered, selfish, piece of shit I have ever met. You use people like they're objects and kick them to the curb. You cheat on your girlfriend constantly, you treat your roadies like they're your servants, and you don't even know how to say the words thank you!" I nearly shouted in his face. His jaw dropped slightly at my words. I used that to my advantage and shoved him away from the door. 

I opened the door and took one last look at Nikki. "I should've just left you back at that stupid hotel room. Let the heroin consume you and drive you fucking mad. You never even thanked me for taking care of you and making sure you made it to your gig. Fuckin' ungrateful jerk" I slammed the door behind me as I made my way to Crue's room to find Steven and Jason. 

Any nerves I had going into our set tonight, were completely gone now. I was pissed off beyond belief and was ready to fuck shit up. 

This crowd isn't gonna know what hit 'em. 

. . .

A/N: oh shit, Ria fucking snapped on Nikki. But maybe Nikki was on to something...? ;)

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