★ sixxty four ★

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          I was freaking the hell out. I've only wrapped two fucking presents!

Nikki was going to be here in about an hour or so, so I really had to get going. I wrapped his presents first just in case I procrastinated too much (which I had in fact done) so that if he walked in on me wrapping presents, he would only see what Audrey was getting. 

I couldn't believe the way that I was acting. I was being so childish and anxious over Nikki opening his presents. I've never been like this, ever! Maybe it was because my emotions were running high and I was still a bit confused on where Nikki and I stood. Part of me wanted to just call off this charade, forgive him, and move him right back into our house. But the other part of me - the incredibly stubborn part - needed him to right his wrongs and do this right. 

Shit, this was so overly and unnecessarily complicated. Ugh, why am I the way that I am?!

I was startled by Audrey suddenly crying as loud as she possibly could. It nearly scared the hell out of me. I was already feeling so exhausted, I was ready to join in on the cryfest my daughter was currently having. 

Whisky looked up at me with his big brown eyes, as if he was saying to me "that thing upstairs is insane." 

"I know she is Whisky, but that's why we love her." I smiled softly, scratching behind his left ear, the way he liked. He panted up at me with a little smile, making me grin. He followed me upstairs, where I was going to tend to Audrey. 

Her cries got louder and louder and somehow sounded even more needy as the time passed. It felt like an eternity until I got to her but in reality it couldn't have taken me longer than two or three minutes.

I gathered Audrey up in my arms and made my way out of her nursery. While the rocking chair was very comforting, I wanted to be in a close vicinity of the front door so I could call to Nikki to let him know he could come in the house. 

Audrey, Whisky, and I made our way back downstairs. Audrey's cries were starting to die down now that I had her and she seemed to be a lot more calm now that she was with me. I couldn't believe how quickly I had been able to adapt to being a mom. Especially because this was my first child and I literally had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I didn't really have any motherly women in my life anymore to look up to. And while I loved my mother when she was alive and in my life, she wasn't exactly the most heartwarming and tender women that has walked the Earth.

So yeah, I was very terrified that I would fuck up my child royally, thank you for asking.

But I couldn't worry about that right now, I had to get to the living room, get cozy, and feed my beautiful little girl. She was already turning into a little midnight snacker, just like her mama. 

We nestled in to the couch, Whisky getting up and laying right next to us, watching intently. I made sure Audrey was comfy and fed her, she wasted no time at all. 

Moments later, I could hear the doorbell ring signaling that Nikki was here. Whisky perked up at the sound and made his way for the door. I chuckled softly, put my hand over Audrey's ear and raised my voice to say "the door's  open" 

I heard the door open softly and Whisky made his way down the hall to the front door, barking happily his whole way there. Nikki had made it inside and shut the door behind him and I could hear his sudden laughter as I'm assuming Whisky did his best to maul him. "Hi boy, I missed you too!" he cheered, Whisky barks grew louder and happier at the affection.

Moments later, Nikki had found us in the living room, Whisky in tow.

"Well, hello my beautiful girls" Nikki said looking at Audrey and I. Audrey was cooing as she finished her meal, making me smile down at her lovingly. 

Seeing as Nikki was feeling bold enough to ignore boundaries, I decided to do so as well, just to mess with him. "Hi daddy" 

Nikki made a little scolding sound with his teeth. "Tisk, tisk, Maria. Not in front of the child." I couldn't help but laugh at his words, making him grin and take a seat on the couch next to us. 

"Do you mind watching Audrey while I wrap up the rest of her presents?" I asked after a while of us sitting and enjoying each others company. 

"Not at all. As long as you don't mind putting the presents I brought under the tree for me" he jutted his lip out just for good measure. He had literally swooped in and took Audrey out from my grip in the process. 

I rolled my eyes playfully making him chuckle. "Sure thing, Sixx." 

I got up, readjusted my shirt and headed for the kitchen area where Audrey's presents were, still waiting to be wrapped up, As I was heading into the kitchen I heard Nikki talking to Audrey.

"You're such a beautiful little girl. You definitely got that from mama."  

. . .

A/N: Damn, I didn't realize how hard starting a full time job and going back to school was going to be.

So uhm, hi, how are ya? How did we feel about this chapter? Personally, it felt weird af writing a chapter about Christmas in May but here we are. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry it took so long. I'm doing my best I swear. Thanks for reading and I hope you're all doing well, xoxo. ~

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