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     We were now back on the road and somewhat stress-free

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We were now back on the road and somewhat stress-free. I decided to kick it on my bus with the boys and Nikki would go to the Crue's. And as for Whisky, well he came with me.

"I can't believe you and Nikki got a dog" Stevie said perplexed, but never the less still giving Whisky affection.

"Yeah, what's next? You guys gonna move in together? Get married?" Jason grinned playfully, making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"I don't know. Maybe one day..." I thought which made the boys go quiet. "what?"

"We're happy that Nikki makes you happy but just... be careful, okay?" Tony said sympathetically. I just looked at him funny.

"He is Nikki Sixx after all. Do you see him ever being able to be fully committed to just you? Settling down? What, are you guys gonna have kids one day too?" Jason shot rapid-fire questions at me, stressing me out.

"I don't know! Why does any of that matter right now?! I'm only twenty-three and our career as a band is only really getting started. Do you think I'm ready to get married and have kids?! Like fuck, all we did was get a dog which is what people who are together do. What is with the third degree?!" I was practically seething at this point. These boys are my brothers but damn, this is just overkill.

"Sorry, Ria. We just worry about you that's all." Stevie muttered softly, looking sad. I frowned at the sight.

"I know, and I love you guys for always looking out for me. And I know I haven't been the best person to deal with this tour and I'm really sorry about that." I sighed, fighting off the tears welling in my eyes. I guess Whisky could sense my sadness because I heard him whimper, as he jumped up on the couch to cuddle with me. I laughed softly and let him, scratching behind his ear.

"Okay, we won't bug you about Nikki anymore, all right?" Jason offered, making me smile.

"Unless he gives us a reason to. And something tells me that he eventually will." Tony joked, making me slap him playfully. "Oh that's it!" Tony laughed, grabbing me so that he could most likely tickle me till I cry.

"Tony, no!" I screamed, giggling softly after. But Whisky wasn't having it. He let out a loud bark and basically tackled Tony to the ground. "Oh my god! Whisky, no! Don't kill Tony!" I tried to scold but it just didn't work out that way. I ended up laughing at the sight in front of me.

Whisky eventually let up and got off of Tony, while the rest of us died of laughter. "Stupid dog is already attached to you two, huh?" Tony chuckled once he was able to compose himself.

"Sure looks that way. Good boy, Whisky" I cooed at my dog, making him let out a happy bark.

. . .

We were now at Motley Crue's Girls Girls Girls album launch party, after checking in earlier to our hotel rooms and getting freshened up. Leaving Whisky in the room was quite difficult. But once I made sure he had access to everything he could possibly need, I finally left. I made a mental note to only stay at the party for three hours maximum.

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