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A/N: Well hello there again. Long time, no update. I know. And I'm sorry.

For those of you who were not aware of the situation, I was recently admitted to the hospital. Everything became a little too much for me to handle for a while there. But I'm now out and trying to get back to my normal schedule of working night shift full time as well as babysitting part time during the day and all my other bullshit adult responsibilities; as well as learning to love myself.

I'm sorry that I let myself lose inspiration for this story. This is my baby. Hell, I even submitted it to this years Wattys. I've been on this website for almost seven years and have only just felt comfortable in submitting a story. All thanks to you guys and your wonderful feedback and love.

Thank you again, I couldn't do this without all of you.

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     I was incredibly nervous for my radio show interview and that was putting in the simplest of terms

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     I was incredibly nervous for my radio show interview and that was putting in the simplest of terms.

Collectively as a band, Infamous decided it was time to find ourselves a manager seeing as we wrapped our album up and were getting ready to venture out on another mind blowing and intense tour around the States with GNR.

And our manager, Oliver's, first line of business was to set us up with some press dates and interviews. And I was all for it, for putting Infamous out there and getting a bigger following.

However, being scheduled for a solo interview on the Howard Stern show was not something that I had in mind.

Listen, I'm no prude, that much is obvious. I definitely think I'm quite an open-minded person but dammit, I really just don't fucking like Howard Stern. At. All.

"Is this seriously necessary? I mean, I agree that the publicity is good but really? Here?" I asked Oliver as I was getting my hair and makeup touched up.

"I'm afraid so, Maria. But it's only half an hour, if that. It will be over before you know it." Oliver sighed for probably the hundredth time today. I'm sure that my actions and attitude from today have him rethinking being our manager but I really couldn't care less. Maybe the more I annoyed him with my complaints, he'd take it as an indicator not to pull this shit again. Necessary, my ass.

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