★ fifty eight ★

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          The next few weeks went by without a hitch. Well, for the most part. We did our best to be productive and get the nursery together for our future baby. When we weren't shopping around (which felt like it was ALL THE TIME), we were working on music together. We weren't sure if we wanted to do an album together, but I did really enjoy making music with him. It was therapy, in a way. And I could tell that Nikki was enjoying himself too. He told me that he's never really had someone to bounce ideas off of before since the rest of Crue leaves the songwriting to him. I found that a little crazy but that's cause Jase tends to help with songwriting from time to time. Stevie's even gotten in on it too. It makes me wonder if Nikki ever feels alone in his band. But I couldn't dwell on that. 

"Hey babe, do you mind if I invite the guys over tonight?" Nikki spoke up, mindlessly strumming his bass as he lay on the floor of the studio. 

"Yeah that sounds cool. I haven't seen them in a while. Should we barbecue or something?" I asked, looking up from my pad of paper, my fingers tapping mindlessly on it.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. You just pamper yourself and enjoy the night with the Crue" he smiled but then deadpanned. "but not too much fun" he kept up the charade for a minute and then ended up winking at me making me laugh.

"You're too much. I love you," I opened my arms, signaling him to come give me a hug. He didn't hesitate. "are you sure you don't want me to make anything?" His response was to reach up and lightly twist my nipple through my shirt making me shriek and slap his head playfully. "Okay! Okay! Damn" I groaned, rubbing my nipple, making him laugh. 

"I love you too baby," he grinned, leaning up and pecking my lips softly. "and I love you little Nikki Jr." he spoke to my belly, planting a kiss on it. 

"I don't know how many times I need to tell you but we are NOT naming our baby Nikki Jr." I sighed as he helped me stand back up. My back was the literal worst these days. I felt like I was dying. I can't wait for this to be over and have my baby with me. 

"Why not? It's versatile as hell! It works for a boy or a girl. Which by the way, when do we find out what we're having? The suspense is killing me!" Nikki exclaimed making me laugh at his excitement. 

"Doctor Myers said that we will get the reveal at the next check up which is in about... four days." I smiled. It was really starting to pick up. I could hardly wait to meet our little peanut. I was also really REALLY looking forward to seeing Nikki in "dad mode". The cuteness is going to be unbearable. 

"I can't wait," Nikki beamed, hugging me and lifting me up off of my feet. As he set me down, I reached up to run my fingers through his hair and rest them on the back of his neck. "would it also be lame of me to say that I can't wait to start wedding planning with you?" 

"Hmm.... maybe a little," I joked. "but I can't wait to start wedding planning with you either" I grinned up at him. He leaned down and captured my lips in a quick kiss. 

The kiss started to get a little heated but before we could take it any further, the doorbell rang. I pulled away from the kiss with a look of confusion on my face. 

"Oh uhm, I may have already invited the guys before I asked you," Nikki sounded a little uncomfortable so I gave him a funny look. "what?! I figured you were gonna say yes anyway" 

"Again. You're too much. But again, I love you." I reached up and pecked him on the cheek and went off to answer the door. 

"What's up sluts?" I smiled as I opened the door to which they cheered.

"Damn Ramone you have gotten HUGE!!" Tommy grinned, pulling me in for a hug. 

"I'm bursting at the seams T-Bone" I yelled, making the guys laugh. Mick and Vince followed Tommy's lead by hugging me one at a time.

"Well, let's get this party started kids!" Vince shouted, making sure to get an echo in the house. I shook my head at their antics as Nikki joined in with them. I smiled at the sight.

I love my family. 

. . .

A/N: two updates in one day?! Damn it's good to be back.

Thank you for the continuing love and support for my baby. I'm still in shock that we are well over 200,000 reads. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. <3

I love you all very much and I'll see you in the next update! xo ~

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