★ sixxty ★

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          "Are you seriously pulling this shit right now, Sixx?" I practically shouted. I was fuming. It was Christmas Eve and I was pretty much ready to pop at any moment with our little girl. And here Nikki was being the absolute worst. 

"Pulling what? Get the fuck off my back Ria!" his tone was matching mine. He was slurring which broke my heart. He was doing so well with his sobriety and now he was relapsing and didn't see the problem with it. I don't even know what to do right now. I feel so lost and helpless.

"Are you kidding me? You're gonna act like everything is fine?" I asked, exasperated at this point. I was trying so hard to be understanding. I knew that relapsing was inevitable at some point. It tends to always happen to people who are in recovery. But no amount of research and books can prepare you for how to deal with the love of your life when he has relapsed in front of you. 

"Everything IS fine! You're the one making a big fucking deal out of literally nothing." Nikki was practically flailing around, in search of his car keys. I was following him like a lost puppy, attempting to stop him from leaving. "Get away from me!" he shouted, making me stumble back a bit at his tone. 

"Nikki can't we just talk about this? Just tell me what you're thinking and I'll listen" I tried to be reasonable. This wasn't him. This was the pain in my ass known as Sikki.

"Oh fuck off with your wannabe therapist speech. I don't want to talk to you! I want to get AWAY FROM YOU! Seriously, where the FUCK are my keys?" the more time passed that Nikki didn't have his keys, the more infuriated he was. I was in so much shock, I don't even remember how we got to this point in the night. I wasn't sure if it was the stress or what exactly was going on. All I knew was that I was scared as hell. 

"You don't mean that, do you?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking. I was trying so hard to stay strong but Nikki's word were cutting deep. 

"Of course I do. Look at you! You sank your claws into me and fucking trapped me. With a baby, a ring, a dog! I didn't ask for any of this." Nikki looked like he was trying to refrain from ripping his own hair out. 

"But.. you proposed to me." I was blinking back my tears to keep them from falling. 

"Yeah thanks for reminding me," Nikki scoffed. "biggest mistake of my life." 

I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath that I was holding in. I nodded my head and opened my eyes, looking at Nikki. He was still angry but he looked curious as well. 

I took my engagement ring off of my finger and tossed it over to him. He caught it, it must have been on instinct. 

"Well there you go. Now no one is trapping you anymore. Go on." I nodded towards the door. 

He stared at me, his breathing still heavy. After a minute or so of our stare down, he gave up on looking for his keys and headed for the door. I guess he decided to walk, wherever he was going. 

The door slammed behind him and I immediately collapsed to the floor. I slid down the wall and put my face in my hands. I couldn't help it, the sobs were uncontrollable. I was blubbering and struggling to breathe properly for a while because I just couldn't help but cry. 

After a while, I regained my breathing and wiped at my eyes, removing the tears with my hoodie sleeves. I was so afraid for Nikki. I didn't know where he was going but I did know that he at least wouldn't be getting into any car accidents on the way there due to his impaired state. 

I removed his car keys from my hoodie pocket and chucked them up onto the console table next to me and let out a long sigh. 

How the fuck did we get here? 

. . .

A/N: Damn, this was a very triggering chapter for me to write. But, it had to be written. After all, we all are very familiar with Nikki's past. I think we all knew this was coming. 

I hope that this chapter wasn't too difficult for people to stomach. If it was, I'm truly sorry. 

The next one may be quite rough too, HERE IS YOUR HEADS UP! 

Thank you for the reads, comments, support, and helping me take down stories that are carbon copies of mine. I love y'all. xo. ~

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