★ eleven ★

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     Slash, Axl, and I finally made it to Denny's and I had the best waffles I had tasted in quite some time

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     Slash, Axl, and I finally made it to Denny's and I had the best waffles I had tasted in quite some time. Maybe it was just cause I was starving but who knows? 

We made it back to the hotel to find Crue, Guns, and my boys (wow we really need a band name) all in the lobby, checking out. 

"There you guys are!" Vince shouted. 

"Is Nikki with you?" Tommy asked. 

I looked at them funny. "No, he passed out in my hotel room. Is he still not up?" I glanced over at the clock at the front desk. 11:58am. Granted he wasn't an "early riser" but he knew we had to drive to the next city for their show. 

"Jesus Ria, two guys at once? Didn't know you were so freaky" Duff winked making me slap his arm in response. 

"No you fucktard, he just showed up, smoked up, and passed out." I replied. None of the guys, except Slash, believed me. 

"You're all pigs" I groaned making my way over to the elevator. 

"Rude!" Tommy yelled to which I just gave him the finger. Slash had already grabbed all his stuff from my room so he waited with the rest of the guys in the lobby. That left me alone to grab my stuff... and Nikki. 

Finally getting to my floor, I walked down the hall to my room. I opened my door only to find that the chain on the door was on. "What the fuck?" I said out loud. I tried to reach through the gap in the door but to no avail. 

"Nikki?" I called out. "Nikki this isn't funny, come on." 

"Maria?" he asked from I assumed my bed room. 

"Of course it's me asshole, who else would it be?" I asked in frustration. Whatever game he was playing, I wasn't digging it. 

I pulled my arm back from the gap in the door once I saw Nikki. His hair was wild, his eyes looked much different. He looked scared. What the hell was going on?

"Can you let me in please?" I asked softly. 

He bit his lip, nodding. He closed the door, I heard the chain being moved and he opened the door again, pulling me into the room immediately. He slammed the door behind me and had me pressed up against it. 

"Nikki what the hell is going on?" I asked, seriously confused and a little afraid. 

"They're gonna get me. We need to hide" he said frantically. Nikki took my hand in his and pulled me over to my room. He was walking briskly and I nearly tripped trying to keep up with him. He opened the sliding door to the closet in my room. Oh hell no, I get claustrophobic. 

"Nikki-" he cut me off. 

"They're gonna kill me and I can't let them hurt you" he nearly screamed, my eyes widening at him. I took that time to examine his face. His eyes were wide, a little red, and his pupils were dilated. He was high. But this was a different high, I've never seen him like this when we smoked weed or snorted blow. Before I could reply, he pulled me into the closet and we were sitting. Him on the floor, me straddling his lap. 

He pulled me into him and was hugging me. Not knowing what to do, I stroked his hair in an attempt to calm him down. He was practically shaking. After a few minutes, he wasn't as shaky. "Tell me everything" I muttered. 

"They know I'm here. They're gonna kill me. They called the room and everything!" he spoke a mile a minute. 

"Who?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. 

"Them! The hitmen! I know they're after me. They want me dead." he wasn't making any sense. 

"When did you find this out?" I asked, he looked up at me and looked angry. "Baby, I just want to help you" I said softly, he relaxed at my words. 

"This morning. I was all alone, and then the phone went off. They were looking for me! How would they know where I am? What did I do?" he kept firing questions at me. At this point he was mumbling to himself so me not knowing what else to do to regain his attention, I took his face in my hands and pulled him to me softly and pressed my lips against his. He kissed back almost immediately, snaking his arms around my waist and he seemed back to normal. Almost. 

When we pulled away, I rested my forehead against his. "And nothing happened before the phone rang?" I asked. 

He let out a sigh, it was shaky. He pulled out something from his coat pocket but I couldn't see what it was. Sensing that, he opened the closet door slightly to reveal sunlight. I stared at the contents in his hand: a melted spoon and a used syringe. 


"Why?" I asked. 

"Why what?" he countered, shutting the closet door and putting the contents back into his coat pocket. 

"Why smack? We could've had a joint when I came back." I offered, smiling at him. I didn't want him thinking I was mad at him. I was furious, but with his state at the moment, that wouldn't help anyone. 

"I didn't think you were coming back" Nikki replied, his voice cracking slightly. 

"Of course I was coming back, you really think I'd leave you?" I asked, moving some of his hair out of his face. 

"Everyone does eventually" he said and at that moment, I felt my heart break. 

"Well I'm not like them. You can't get rid of me that easily Sixx," I smiled and I finally saw him smile back. "and you can't get rid of your band that easily either. Speaking of, you have a show tonight so we got to get a move on." I tried to motivate him but he looked scared again. Fuck.

"I-I can't go anywhere. Not until it's safe." he said, whatever the hell that means. 

I let out a sigh. "Okay, I'm gonna go call them and let them know you'll meet them at the arena. You can come with me, Jason, Tony, and Steven. Sound good?" 

He pondered that for a bit. "Can't it just be you and I? I don't want to see anyone else right now." he nearly whined, pulling me in for a hug. 

"Okay, I'll see what I can do. I'm gonna go call right now okay? Maybe you should get out of here, lay on the bed?" I offered. He nodded at my words. We both got up and out of the closet. Nikki headed to the bed and I walked over to the phone. How the hell was I gonna explain this to the guys? 

I did NOT sign up for this shit. 

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