★ fourteen ★

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     I heard some wolf-like whistles and knew they were directed at Slash and I

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     I heard some wolf-like whistles and knew they were directed at Slash and I. I pulled away, laughing slightly. Slash just smiled down at me. 

"Get a damn room, you animals" Duff shouted, Izzy agreeing with him. 

"Maybe we will" Slash retorted, lifting up his jacket I was wearing and grabbing my ass with both of his hands in front of all of the guys. I let out a gasp at his sudden boldness and he just laughed at me. 

I pulled away from Slash's grip, and we headed back over to all the guys. Fans were filing in by the minute so I assumed they were starting soon. 

"Who's opening for you guys?" I asked the Crue.

"Who cares?" Vince replied, earning some laughs. I rolled my eyes at his response, trying not to smile. "What?" he asked, sounding like a child.

"Just how you went from 'we want you to open for us' to 'who the fuck cares who's opening for us?'. I just find it funny, that's all." I said with so much sass that wasn't even intentional. 

"Uh oh" Tommy spoke up. 

"Cat fight!" Tony added. They had seen Vince and I get into some bitch fights from time to time. Call me a bitch, but I do stand up for myself from time to time. And Vince may be a successful rockstar, but some times he lets it get to his head way too much. Someone's gotta bring him back to Earth sometimes. If no one else will do it, I will. 

"Time of the month again, Ria?" Vince asked with a smirk. Even Nikki shot him a look that said 'dude, you're an idiot'. 

I rolled my eyes. "Is that the best comeback you can think of? No wonder you leave the songwriting to Sixx" I replied, earning some jaw drops from G'N'R, some whistles from my band mates, and a cheeky smile from Mick. Nikki and Tommy stared at me intently, Nikki looked like he almost wanted to smile at my words. Almost. 

"I don't need a come back sweetie, cause I already left all my cum back in your mom." Vince replied, sounding like a damn fourteen year old. But it made some of the guys laugh. 

"Oh you're a necrophiliac too? Throw that one on the resume" I sighed, faking a yawn. 

I guess I didn't think that one through because everyone went completely silent and stared at me. My band mates knew that my mother had passed away years ago, but I've never talked about it cause I didn't see the point. Crue and Guns however, had no idea. 

Vince for once, looked guilty. "What?" I asked. 

"I just feel the sudden need to hug you" he responded, making his way over to me. 

"Ew" I tried to push him away in a joking manner, but he wasn't having it. He pulled me in for a hug and I eventually ended up hugging him back. 

"I had no idea, I'm sorry" he muttered in my ear. 

"Why would you? I don't ever bring it up, don't be sorry" I whispered back. We pulled away and everyone was STILL looking at me. 

"Right, well. Time for a strong drink I guess." I said out loud, walking away from the group. 

I had made my way over to the "bar" and poured myself a shot, downing it immediately. Then I made my signature jack n coke, T-Bone style. 

"Hey Ria, mind making me a vodka soda?" I heard Duff speak up, taking a seat. I smiled and nodded, looking for a bottle of vodka. Oh damn, we had options. 

"Absolut or Smirnoff?" I asked. 

"No grey goose?" he nearly whined, making me laugh.

"Alright hot shot, settle down. And no, there doesn't seem to be any." I smirked. He just shook his head and picked Absolut.  "Alright, tell me when" I said, pouring the vodka into the cup. It was over halfway full and I looked over at him with wide eyes, until he finally said "when". "Jesus Christ" I muttered, filling the rest of the cup with soda and stirring it. 

"Thanks doll, you ever thought of being a bartender?" he asked, taking a sip immediately. 

"Nah, I've always been focused on being a rockstar." I admitted. 

Duff smiled at this. "I can't wait to hear you guys play," he said, making me smile and thank him. "listen, uhm, I'm sorry about your mom. If you ever need to talk about it... let me know so we can get wasted and talk about it." Duff said sheepishly, making me laugh a little harder than I should have. 

"Thanks man, but really. I'm alright. It happened years ago and we weren't close anymore." I admitted. 

My answer only seemed to make Duff look at me with more guilt in his eyes. "Please stop looking at me like that, it's bumming me out" I said with a sigh. 

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry I'll stop." he said, put his hands up in 'surrender'. I thanked him. "It's just that, if you need someone to talk to about it, Slash isn't your best bet. He's really awkward when it comes to personal stuff like that." 

"Well that's good, cause I don't want to talk about it anyway." I said, grabbing my drink and pushing myself up from the bar. "Let's go check out the opening band?" I offered. Duff shook his head with a smile and agreed. We headed back over to the guys. Crue was gone to go get ready, I presumed. Tony, Steven, and Jason looked at me with soft smiles on their faces and the rest of G'N'R looked at me with tense faces. 

"Jesus, who died?" I tried to joke. It made Axl laugh. At least he understood my sick humour, I guess. The rest of them lightened up after a while and we were all back to our normal conversations. Which consisted of the guys picking out groupies for themselves, while I tried to watch the opening band. 

"I call this one" Slash pulled me close to him, making me laugh. 

"Are you calling me a groupie?" I asked, trying to scold him. 

"Nah, but you can be my own personal groupie if you want" he smirked. 

"How romantic" I rolled my eyes. He just nuzzled my neck in response. The band had wrapped up their set and Crue was back with us. Nikki had clipped Slash's shoulder, making his way over to the bottle of Jack that was side stage. I shot him dagger eyes and he didn't even seem fazed. What a dick.

"Oh Miss Ria Ramone, we have a problem and need your help" Tommy called out, making me look at him funny. 

"Emi's not feeling so good, she's puking right now and won't be able to perform with us" Mick added. I soon connected the dots. They wanted me to be a backup dancer and sing with them on stage. 

My eyes widened. "Oh hell no!" I replied. "Guys come on, you know that's not my thing" I added when I saw Vince and Tommy sulking at me. 

"Told you she wouldn't do it," Nikki spoke up. "a singer that has stage fright, who would've thought?" he taunted. He was challenging me. And while I really didn't want to do this, Maria Ramos doesn't back down or take shit from nobody.

"What do I need to wear?" I asked Mick. Everyone cheered at my response, and Nikki looked at me with a smirk on his face. 

"Just go to our dressing room and borrow Emi's outfit. You two look the same size" Mick replied, a smile on his face. 

"Now you REALLY owe me" I pointed at Mick, he just laughed in response. 

"Go get em tiger!" Axl shouted. 

"Go fuck yourself!" I shouted back, earning laughs from the group. 

What the hell was I getting myself into? 

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