★ twenty four ★

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          The first month of tour was now over and we still had three more months to go

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          The first month of tour was now over and we still had three more months to go. But I had made a promise to myself that I was gonna head home for a few days to spend some much needed alone time at my apartment. I loved the guys but sometimes, a girl just needs to be alone. I told the boys of Infamous and that's about it. They said they understood and they'd come pick me up for the next leg of the tour. 

"Hey Ria what are you doing here all by your lonesome?" Axl hollered as he walked over to take a seat with me at the hotel bar. 

"Nothing really, just this" I motioned to the bottle of jack and the whisky glasses to go with it. 

"By yourself? That's a little depressing. Mind if I join ya?" he asked with a smile, adjusting in his bar stool.

"Like I have a choice now" I muttered playfully as I poured him a drink.

"No Slash to keep you company?" Axl asked as I handed him the drink.

"Nah, he's kinda been getting on my nerves lately. I sent him off to go find his new best friend" I sighed, downing my drink in the process. Lately Slash and Nikki have formed some sort of friendship and while I guess it's cool that there's no more tension between them, it is strange as fuck for me. And I know I'm not the only one that feels that way. 

"Oh god, good thing we don't have a show tonight" Axl cringed. 

"Ain't that the truth" I nodded in agreement. Those two were something else when they were together. Tommy was one more trashed hotel room away from losing his "Terror Twin" moniker. 

"Can I ask you something?" Axl turned to me once he finished his drink. 

"You're going to anyway, so why not?" I smirked as he rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Are you okay? It's just that, well you've been real quite lately. And distant too. You've been making Mick look like he's the life of the party." Axl said making me laugh slightly at his dig at Mick.

"Yeah, just homesick I guess. I'm gonna go home for a few days and rest. Then Tony, Jason, and Stevie are gonna come pick me up and I'll be good for the next leg of the tour." 

"Homesick or dope sick?" Axl asked making me look at him with somewhat wide eyes. "I know I'm a guy and we don't really pay attention to these things but come on Ria, I'm not blind. I've seen the different dealers you've had show up to your rooms on this tour." 

"Axl, you've got it all wrong man. Yeah I do drugs every now and then but that's not what's getting to me. I just wanna go home for a few days." I sighed, not meeting his gaze anymore. 

"Ria please don't lie to me. I care about you and I don't wanna see you go down this road. You're  better than that." Axl rested his hand on mine, making me flinch away and stand from my seat. 

"I don't need this. I don't need you talking down to me like this. So fucking patronizing. I'll see ya later" I took the bottle of Jack and headed up to mine and Slash's hotel room. He was out with Nikki anyway, I could just drink the night away in bed and watch a movie. 

But as I opened the door to our room, I realized a quiet night in was not an option. 

"What the fuck?!" I screamed, as I took in the sight of my boyfriend fucking another woman. The bottle of Jack in my hands was now a shattered mess at my feet. I guess I dropped it. 

Slash looked up at me and broke away from the whore. That's when I noticed there were two women. Jesus. "Baby, I know it looks bad." 

"Oh just shut up. Let me grab my stuff and I'll be out in a few minutes." I dismissed. I wasn't gonna let my emotions or feelings be known or let them take over. Not until I was all alone. 

"Ria come on, please listen to me." Slash said, making his way over to me. 

"If you want to keep that thing, I suggest you get the fuck away from me." I replied coldly, pointing to his dick.

He took a step back from me. Smart boy. 

"And just what the fuck are you two looking at?" I snapped at the pair of whores in my bed. Their eyes were wide with fear and they looked away from me. 

I grabbed my bag from off the floor and headed into the bathroom to grab the rest of my stuff. 

If I thought the scene in my bedroom was bad, this one was an absolute nightmare come to life. 

"Nikki?!" I shouted, running over to him. He was sitting in the corner of our shower, the water on. I didn't even turn the water off as I got in and brought him into a hug. 

"Nikki? Baby? Come on wake up man" I cried out, shaking him in my embrace. 

"Don't cry over me baby" he muttered into my now wet hair. 

"How the fuck do you expect me to do that when you look like this?" I cried, letting the tears all out at this point. 

"I'm not worth it. You know that." his head rolled back and his eyes did the exact same thing. His head had hit the tile floor behind him with a loud thud. 

"Nikki? Nikki come on!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face. His eyes didn't open. He didn't react. He didn't even sound like he was breathing. 

"No no no no!!! Fuck! Slash!" I screamed. Slash came running in to find us in the shower. "Call Tommy! Call Vince! Call Mick! Call Doc! Call 911! Call the fuckin' pope I don't care, just fucking do something!" I was a babbling mess. 

Slash just nodded, his wide eyes taking in the situation and running back out to the phone. 

I pressed a kiss to Nikki's cold lips and pulled him back to me, hugging him for dear life. I wrapped him hand behind his head as I held him against me. 

"Please don't leave me" I whispered. 

 . . .

A/N: welp. I'm crying. Fuck.

I also came up with a new idea for another Nikki Sixx story! I'm gonna be working on that as well but I probably won't publish it until this story is done so I don't mess with my brain too hard, if that makes any sense haha. 

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter and book?? Please vote too cause the feedback encourages the hell out of me. Thanks babes! <3 ~

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