★ forty nine ★

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     Nikki had placed the case of beer and pizza in the trunk of his car and we let Whisky have the entire backseat to himself

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     Nikki had placed the case of beer and pizza in the trunk of his car and we let Whisky have the entire backseat to himself. We were currently speeding down the freeway and Whisky was trying his hardest to get to the front seat so he could be with Nikki.

"Whisky, calm down baby" I laughed loudly, trying to gently push him into the backseat as he was leaning forward, licking my face and wagging his tail a mile a minute. 

"Jesus, is he always like this?" Nikki chuckled as we were approaching his house. 

"Nah, not always. But he definitely missed you" I smiled softly, running my thumb over his knuckles on his right hand that was holding onto the transmission. 

"The feeling is mutual, Whisky" Nikki beamed as he let his hand off of the transmission, pushing mine away gently, and rubbing behind Whisky's right ear, making him pant in appreciation. 

We were now in the driveway of Nikki's place. We got out of the car, Nikki taking the beer and pizza while I got Whisky out of the car. "Nikki, come on, I can carry the pizza." I offered with a smile. 

"What? No it's fine" he smiled reassuringly. 

"Oh yeah? And how do you plan on opening the door?" I asked with an amused grin. 

A look of realization flashed in Nikki's eyes and then he handed me over the pizza box, making me laugh. "You just shut it" Nikki rolled his eyes playfully, grabbing my ass before he walked past me to open the door. 

While he was fidgeting with the lock on the door, I couldn't resist it. I slapped his ass; making him jump and turn around to look at me, his jaw had dropped.

I lost it. I was laughing way too hard. "Oh my god, your face!" I pointed, as it was feeling harder to breathe. 

Once we were inside the house and had set the goods down on the kitchen table, I turned to see Nikki glaring at me. I couldn't tell if it was real or not and that scared me a bit. 

"Nikki?" I asked a little cautiously, my giggling had subsided. 

"Run." was his response. 

He didn't give me much time before he was stalking towards me. I turned on my heel and booked it towards the living room. I heard his footsteps loudly behind me, making me shriek at the sound. 

I nearly ran into the coffee table which caught me off guard a moment too long before Nikki had tackled me right onto the couch. I let out a scream mixed with a laugh at the contact. Nikki had turned us slightly so that he was on top of me, pinning me down to the couch, my wrists in his hand and pinned above my head. 

I tried not to look afraid but I couldn't help it. The look in his eyes was interesting. A little bit of malicious, a little bit egotistical, and a whole lot of lust. 

"Nik-" I was cut off as he swooped down and took my lips in his. I felt a moan wanting to leave my mouth as soon as he deepened it. I squirmed a little underneath him, earning a smirk from Nikki. 

I had readjusted myself by wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling him into me. Nikki let out a moan at the sudden contact and pulled his lips away from mine. "You're so fucking beautiful." he murmured, trailing kisses down my neck and chest, marking any exposed skin he could find. He had let my hands go and I ran my fingers through his hair. 

As Nikki reached for pulling off my top, we were interrupted by Whisky's frantic barking. "Oh my god" I couldn't help but laugh as I saw Whisky running over to us. 

"That little shit is gonna be a real cock block, I can tell" Nikki shook his head with a laugh.

"Yeah, but you'll learn to love him" I giggled. 

"He makes you happy, so I already do," Nikki leaned down, landing a kiss on my nose. "now, let's have some grub and throw on a flick, hmm?" 

"Sounds good. Still got Wizard of Oz?" I asked, smirking. This made Nikki throw a pillow at my head, making me giggle and duck out of the way. "I was kidding! Jeez, so touchy" I winked. 

"Oh I'd love to get touchy with you, maybe later if you're free?" Nikki smirked, bringing over the box of pizza and two beers. 

"Sounds like a plan to me" I grinned, handing him over my choice of movie once he set everything down. 

"Fast Times at Ridgemont High?" Nikki asked with a laugh.

"What? You don't like it?" I asked.

"Nah, I do. Just didn't know you did." he chuckled as he set up the movie and hit play. 

Once he was back and settled in with me on the couch, we sat back, relaxed, and munched away at our pizza. 

"I could spend the rest of my days like this" Nikki said out loud, all of a sudden.

His words caught me off guard and I knew I was blushing at that point. I looked over at him with a grin. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Me too, Sixx. Me too." 

. . .

A/N: Shit, another update. What fresh hell is this?

Wellp, I won't lie, I did it in order to hopefully get this book to 80,000 reads by tomorrow (aka my birthday- my own gift to myself). 

Also- major congrats to Nikki and Courtney for the arrival of their new baby girl; Ruby! How exciting ♥♥♥

Thanks for the love babes! Sorry the chapter is so short but I hope you enjoyed reading anyway :) ~

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