★ thirty ★

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     We were all on Motley's bus and driving to the next venue

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     We were all on Motley's bus and driving to the next venue. While I was incredibly exhausted, I am embarrassed to admit how long it took me to realize that Jason, Tony, and Stevie weren't on the bus with us. 

"So uhm, I probably should have asked this earlier but, where's my band?" I asked out loud, snuggling further into Nikki on the little couch. The boys laughed at my random outburst. 

"Well uh, some shit kind of went down while you were gone Ria" Vince spoke up, making me look up at him funny.

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Well long story short, no one in your band is speaking to each other. Why? Not too sure" Tommy added with a sympathetic smile. 

"Fucks sake, I was only gone a few days and this happens" I sigh, maybe a bit too dramatically. 

"I'm sure it's nothing babe, they'll work it out" Nikki reassured me, lifting my chin up to look at him with his index finger. 

"Yeah... yeah I'm sure you're right." I smiled at him. Me and the guys have had a fair share of arguments but we always work them out. I leaned in and gave Nikki a quick kiss. 

"This is so fucking weird to watch," Mick spoke up, making me look at him funny. "I mean, we always joked about you two getting together. I just never thought I'd see the day it actually would happen." 

"Me either, old man, me either" Nikki chuckled to which Mick shot him the middle finger. I just snuggled into Nikki's chest as they all got lost in a new conversation about ideas for this tour. I tried to keep up with the conversation but before I knew it, I was fast asleep. 

. . .

"Ria baby? We're here" I heard Nikki murmur in my ear. 

"M'tired" I replied sleepily. 

Nikki just chuckled. "Babe, you slept the whole ride here. Come on" he nudged me softly. 

"Fiiiiine" I groaned as I slowly sat up. But before I could stand up, Nikki had scooped me up and was carrying me off the bus, bridal style. 

"Have I ever told you how great you are?" I asked, smiling and snuggling into him again. 

"No but feel free to do it more often" he smirked at the state I was in. What? He's comfy. 

"Jesus Christ. What is this, the honeymoon?" Tommy asked as Nikki and I got off the bus. 

"Shut up T-Bone, I'm tired" I whined. 

"And Sixx is absolutely fuckin' whipped" Vince smirked making the Mick and Tommy laugh. 

"If being whipped gets me all the wild sex I want, I'm more than fine with that" Nikki had a smirk of his own. 

"You dick!" I smacked his chest, trying not to blush. The guys just laughed at my reaction.

"What? Babe it's a compliment" Nikki smiled at me innocently. Pfft, innocent my ass. 

"You're disgusting," I got out of his embrace and looked around to find my bus. Once I saw it, I decided to go over to it to see my band. "I'm gonna go find the guys" I said my goodbyes to the Crue and they were gonna head into the venue. 

Nikki grabbed my wrist to stop me from leaving once the guys were a good distance away. I turned to look at him in confusion. "Do you really find me disgusting?" he asked seriously. 

"Obviously," I looked up at him. "but that's one of the things I dig about ya" I shrugged with a smile. 

He just chuckled at this and pulled me in for a kiss. "See ya later?" he asked after we both pulled away.

"Of course" I beamed at him and then we headed our separate ways. 

I made my way into the bus and walked right into a screaming match taking place between my brothers. 

"What the fuck is going on?!" I screamed to get all of their attention and surprisingly, it worked. 

"What the FUCK happened to you?" Tony asked, examining me. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing dumb. 

"Your skin is glowing and your neck has got way too many bruises for you to use the 'I burned myself with my hair curler' excuse" Stevie added.

"So you and Nikki finally hooked up huh?" Jason smirked, all of them staring at me intently. 

"I mean, we've hooked up plenty of times before," I said nonchalantly. "but we're dating now, if that's what you're getting at" 

"Finally!" Stevie shouted making me roll my eyes with a laugh. 

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into" Tony cautioned.

"I am but thanks for looking out for me big brotha," I winked making him pull me in for a hug. "but seriously, are you guys gonna tell me what's going on? Crue said you guys haven't been speaking to each other" 

"Ask these two," Tony gestured to Stevie and Jason. "they're the ones that are willing to break up the band over their stupid little argument" 

My eyes widened at Tony's words. "What the hell? Okay please tell me what's going on right now" I asked Jason and Stevie who looked incredibly uncomfortable. 

"It's nothing of importance. Jase has made that incredibly clear" Stevie growled out. 

"I didn't fuckin' say it like that and you know it!" Jason raised his voice. 

"Yeah well you know exactly what you fucking did and still won't even apologize" Stevie yelled. 

"Just tell me us what happened already, Jesus Christ!" Tony yelled over both of them. 

"No screw this there is no point. Fuck this, I'm out!" Jason threw his hands up, going to exit the bus. 

I felt my jaw drop and rushed over to block Jason from leaving. "No Jase, come on. Just talk to us." 

"Ria get out of my way," he said sternly. When I wouldn't budge he raised his voice at me. "Ria get out of my way right fucking now!" 

"HELL NO!" My voice matched his. "We're gonna sit down and we're gonna figure this shit out. You know why? Because we're a fucking family. You guys are the only family I have and I will be damned if I let my family get broken up like this" my voice cracked slightly at the thought. 

I felt Tony rub my back soothingly and Jason let out a sigh. He leaned forward and wiped away a stray tear that had made it's way down my cheek. I smiled up at him. 

"Okay fine" Jason agreed and we all made our way over to the couches to sit down and talk. 

"There's something that's been going on for a while now that you two should know about," Jason looked at Tony and I. We nodded, encouraging him to continue. "Stevie and I are... gay. And we've been seeing each other for the past five months." 

Holy. Shit.

. . .

A/N: Well. Did ya see that one coming? Probably. I'm not very subtle lmao.

Also yo wtf? This book has over 10,000 reads? I fucking love you all. 

Thanks so much for all the reads and love for this book. I haven't been this inspired in a very long time. Please keep the feedback coming and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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