★ sixxty eight ★

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     After checking into the hotel, we all were out to dinner to celebrate Nikki's sobriety accomplishments as well as our second time being engaged. What a whirlwind. 

The boys did a very great job at respecting Nikki's sobriety and didn't order any drinks or mention alcohol or drugs at all. It was almost as if we were in the Twilight Zone or something. But I didn't mind it one bit.

And little miss Audrey didn't mind one bit that she was the star of the dinner. She loved her boys and they loved her just as much. Right now, she was sitting on Vince's knee, reaching up to play with his long blonde locks.

I had Nikki's trusty camera in my hands and took a picture of the interaction. I had been taking pictures all throughout most of the dinner. I took one last photo of Mick flipping off the camera with one hand, and shielding Audrey's eyes with the other. 

"Excuse me miss, but you keep blocking that beautiful face of yours" Nikki whispered in my ear as he leaned over in his seat and gently lowered the camera back into my lap. 

"M'sorry" I mumbled back, a light blush creeping up on my cheeks. Being in such a close proximity to Nikki after going such a long and unbearable time without him made me feel like a virgin or something. I was very flustered.

And his hand on my thigh being dangerously close to the hem of my dress was not helping by any means. By the way his fingers were teasing to inch their way up my dress, Nikki knew exactly what he was doing. I pushed his hand away a little rougher than I intended to which made Nikki chuckle softly and get back to his conversation with Tommy about god knows what.

We wrapped up our dinner not even twenty minutes later and all made our way back to the hotel, about five minutes down the street. Audrey surprisingly wasn't too tired yet but still wanted her daddy to carry her the whole way back. 

Of course I took a picture of that, are you kidding me? It was too precious not to! 

We all made our way to hang out in the penthouse suite that Tommy, Mick, and Vince were sharing. They even requested a crib for Audrey to sleep in. However, I requested one for Nikki and I's room too. Something told me that I was going to miss her too much. 

We all said our goodnights to each other, Audrey was practically hanging on to us for dear life until she saw that Tommy was getting ready to head for his room and then she demanded in babbles that he come back and get her. To this, of course Tommy came back and picked her up. 

I knew she'd have these boys wrapped around her little finger. 


As Nikki and I stood in the elevator waiting for the door to close, you couldn't cut the sexual tension with a knife. The second the door closed, I looked over at him, beckoned him over with one finger and he was on me within seconds. His hands on my face as he kissed me deeply. But they didn't stay there for long, as he reached down to pull my left leg up to wrap around his waist, pushing me into one of the walls of the elevator and letting me feel how excited he already was as he pressed himself against my core. I let out a soft moan as I ran my fingers through his luscious hair. 

The elevator dinged, signaling us to stop being a couple of horny teenagers in public. Nikki unwrapped himself from me and fixed my hair a little for me before taking my hand and practically sprinting out of the elevator. I was surprised that I didn't trip over my own feet as I struggled to keep up with him. 

We made it to our hotel room and Nikki slammed the door behind us. I went to make my way over to the bed but Nikki had other ideas as he grabbed my hand and practically slammed me up against the door he had just closed. I let out a gasp at the contact.

"And where did you think that you were going?" Nikki rasped in my ear. 

"I-" I couldn't finish my thought as his hand made it's way into my skirt and began teasing me effortlessly. I arched my back, pressing his hand closer to the spot that I needed him the most. 

He chuckled at this. "Looks like someone missed me just as much as I missed them," he let his fingers wander and explore my folds and he felt the wetness that had begun to pool for him. He let out a groan at this. "or maybe a little more than I missed them, hm?" he teased as he left a kiss behind my ear. His fingers slowly thrust into me making me brace myself with my nails digging into his shoulder. 

"Oh fuck, Nikki" I moaned as his fingers picked up the pace, pushing in and out with no mercy. It was embarrassing how fast he was making me cum but I didn't care. 

"Let go baby, I wanna see you cum all over my fingers" his words had pushed me over the edge and before I knew it, I had released all over his fingers just like he wanted. My head was spinning and when I looked at Nikki, all I could see was lust in his eyes.

He pulled his fingers from my pussy, each one of his rings glistening from my juices as he made his way to the console table in the front hallway of the hotel room. He pushed everything off of the table and brought me over to lift me onto it. I stripped off my shirt as Nikki did the same. He kicked off his boots and shuffled out of his pants. I went to take my heels and skirt off but he stopped me. "Leave them on" as he reached up and helped me out of my panties. 

He rolled on a condom in record timing and I reached down to stroke his member for him teasingly. "Fuck, Ria. You really want it don't you?" 

I nodded as I leaned forward and bit down on his lip softly. When I pulled away I looked him dead in the eyes. "Fuck me like you hate me, Sixx." 

"Gladly" he pushed me back gently and lined himself up with my core. I didn't have to wait long before he pushed into me and began pounding into me with no mercy. 

"Oh shit" I let out a yelp as he picked up the pace even further. His response was to wrap his hand around my throat and push down softly. That turned me on even more. 

I wasn't gonna last much longer and I could tell that he wasn't going to either. I can't say I blame him, it's been over a year since we've done this. And it didn't feel nearly this intense. 

I reached down to play with my folds, his eyes following my fingers and I watched how mesmerized he looked watching everything. 

His thrusts were getting a little sloppier but they still were quick and before I knew it, I was throwing my head back as I let out a load moan and felt myself cumming on his dick. This seemed to be what he needed to get him over the edge as I felt him climax inside me. He pushed a few more times inside me before coming to a stop and leaning forward to practically collapse on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his forehead. 

After a while I let out a laugh which caused Nikki to perk up and look at me. "What's so funny?" 

"You were so eager you couldn't make it to the bed, hmm?" I teased lovingly. 

He chuckled at this and shook his head softly. "Bold of you to assume that we won't be using the bed. That was just round one, my love." 

. . .

A/N: Well.... hi there. 

I hope the smut makes up for how long I took with this chapter. This summer has been absolutely mental but I love it. 

Let me know how you felt about this chapter and thanks again for all of the love on this story. I love y'all and I'll see ya in the next one! 

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