★ twenty ★

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     [smut warning]

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     [smut warning]

     Slash had lightly shoved me down onto the bed. I stared up at him as he pulled his shirt up and over his head, tossing it carelessly to the floor. Next, he stepped out of his boots and removed his pants at what felt like an agonizingly slow pace. I bit my lip subconsciously at the sight. Before I knew it, Slash was hovering over me, completely naked. 

His hands found the hem of my panties. "You're a little overdressed, don't ya think?" I looked up at him, moving some of his hair out of his face and nodded. He smirked slightly down at me. "Who said you get to touch me, baby?" Slash had pulled down my panties and I unclasped my bra, throwing it off to the side. Slash took my wrists in his hand and pinned them above my head. Using my panties, he wrapped them around my wrists, tightening it a little. He was restraining me. Shit.

Once he was content with the hold he had on me, he leaned down and captured my lips in a searing kiss. It got heated very quickly and I even found myself moaning into the kiss. When he pulled away, I was gasping for air. "I want everyone here to know exactly who the fuck you belong to. Hell, I want the whole neighborhood to know. Understand?" he nearly growled out. I nodded up at him, staring wide eyed. This was a whole new side of Slash and I wasn't hating it.

His hand came down and he slapped my inner thigh, making me cry out. "I said, do you understand?" 

"Yes" I replied quickly. 

This made him chuckle. "Good girl" 

Slash moved himself farther down the bed and wrapped his arms around my thighs, pulling me closer to him. His mouth in line with my center. Fuck me. 

His mouth enveloped my center and he wasted no time in getting me off. I couldn't help but arch my back off the bed, but Slash pushed me back down. I was a moaning mess as he continued his onslaught on my pussy. 

"Oh fuck, Slash" I moaned out a little too loud. 

"I don't think they heard you baby, try again" I could practically see the smirk on his face as he spoke. 

I was writhing all over the bed at this point and Slash wasn't letting up at all. It didn't take much longer until I had that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Oh my god, Slash I-" 

But before I could meet my high, he stopped. I opened my eyes and stared up at him with confused eyes. He just smirked as he stroked himself a few times. "W-why?" I practically whined out. 

"Cause I want to be inside you when you cum, baby girl. That alright with you?" he taunted playfully, making me nod vigorously. My answer amused him and without much warning, he slammed into me. I have never let out such a loud moan/scream in my life. 

Slash groaned as he continued to thrust into me. "Shit, you feel so fucking good" 

"Please don't stop" I moaned, clawing at his back as he somehow managed to move even faster than before. 

Moments later I found myself back at my high again. I felt like I was going to explode. I let out a moan and a cry of Slash's name and he seemed to catch on. His fingers met my clit and he began to rub it. "Cum for me Ria, right now" he nearly begged, and I lost it. He climaxed shortly after me, pulling out and releasing onto my stomach. 

I laid there for a while, completely exhausted. Slash had grabbed his shirt and wiped off the remnants on my stomach. I gave him a funny look. "I could've grabbed a towel" 

He shrugged in response. "Eh, never really cared for this shirt anyway." he then tossed it in the garbage can to prove his point. I just rolled my eyes with a smile. 

We both got dressed and I headed over to Tommy's room in pursuit of a shirt, if he even had any shirts. Much to my surprise, I found a white and black striped button up shirt. I threw it on and it went down just to my mid thighs. Meh, like wearing a dress I guess. 

I turned to see Slash, with his pants back on (unfortunately). I smiled up at him and he smiled back. "I don't know about you, but I'd like to do that a lot more often," he said, making me laugh softly with a nod. "but I think it would be even better if you were uh with me." he trailed off making me look at him funny.

"With you? Like..." I tried to piece the words together. 

"I want you to be my girl, Ria" he said softly, so softly I almost didn't hear him.

"Really?" I asked, making him nod. I smiled wide and nodded, pulling him down for a kiss. His arm snaked around my waist, pulling me flush against him. 

We both pulled away, his forehead resting against mine. "Maybe we should go back outside" I offered making him pout jokingly but then agree. 

We headed downstairs hand in hand and outside to the backyard. The whole gang immediately started staring at us and I fought the urge to blush. 

"I bet you two worked up an appetite huh?" Axl smirked, as he was making himself a burger. I rolled my eyes playfully at his word. 

"Ria, is that my shirt?" Tommy asked making me laugh and nod.

"It looks so much better on me" I winked making him shake his head with a laugh. 

Slash had grabbed us drinks and I made us some burgers. He pulled me down to sit on his lap and I kissed him on the cheek as I took my drink from him. 

"So are you guys like.." Steven Adler trailed off as he motioned between us. All eyes were back on us. 

"Together? Fuck yeah we are" Slash grinned making me nearly melt. Why was he so cute? 

"Atta boy Slash," Duff cheered. "I get to be the best man at the wedding right?" he asked. We all burst out into laughter. 

I ended up looking around the group to see all my friends talking, drinking, eating, and having a good time. Until my eyes met Nikki's stare. Vanity was next to him talking to him but he wasn't paying attention to a word she was saying. He was staring at me with a look I wasn't used to seeing. 

There was no anger. No arrogance. No frustration. He looked upset, almost broken. That couldn't have been because of me, right? He doesn't care about people. 

I brushed it off as Slash nudged me. I looked down at him. "You okay, babe?" he asked. 

"Never better" I smiled, as he pecked my lips. 

I could get used to this. 

. . .

A/N: thank you for getting this book to 1k. ♥

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