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[SMUT WARNING... like for real]

It was now Sunday which meant I had been at Nikki's for three days. Tomorrow we had to go back out on tour but for right now. I was just relaxing on the couch. Nikki was in his home studio working on some new material. That man never rests. His creativity seriously amazes me.

However, he had been in there all day. Seriously, all day. I'm not even exaggerating here. It's already eight o'clock at night.

Letting out a sigh, I got up from my spot from the couch and turned off the tv. I don't even remember what I was just watching. I think I was daydreaming at this point. These past few days have been so much fun that now I feel myself going crazy with how bored I am. Kinda pathetic, huh? The first day Nikki and I haven't really been wrapped up in each other and here I was bored out of my mind.

An idea popped into mind and I felt myself smiling. I headed back upstairs to Nikki's bedroom in pursuit of my clothes. Or well, lack there of. Wink, wink.

Rummaging through my bag, I found the garments I needed. A black bra, black panties, my black stockings that I would sometimes wear on stage as well as my matching garter belt. I didn't have any high heels with me seeing as I left them back on our bus but that was okay.

Stripping from my current outfit which consisted of Nikki's KISS shirt and boxers, I threw on my lingerie and adjusted everything so it fit my body perfectly. I admired myself in the minute in the mirror. I didn't look half bad. I let my hair out from it's braid and laughed slightly. My hair was tousled and it sort of already had a post-sex like look to it. I put on some eyeliner as well as mascara. I added a little powder to my face to neutralize it so to speak. Satisfied with the final result, I grabbed Nikki's black robe and threw it on over top of everything. And with that, I headed downstairs and in pursuit of his studio.

Once I found the studio, I entered it slowly and as quietly as possible seeing as Nikki was currently working on a song and I didn't want to ruin his train of thought.

He was strumming mindlessly and writing down lyrics. He stared at the paper intently and then decided to strum out the chords. And my jaw dropped when he decided to sing.

"Well have I judged a book by how it's bound? Am I lost or am I found?

And are you with me?

Are you with me now? Come back from the dead

You've been inside your head for too long

Are you with me now? Find the places that scare you

Come on I dare you, oh come on I dare you, are you with me?"

"Not bad" he muttered after playing and added something to his lyric sheet.

"Wow" I let out loud, making him jump.

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