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     Two weeks

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     Two weeks. It's been two whole weeks since Nikki and I fought. We've been avoiding each other ever since. I think he wants some sort of apology from me. And while I'd do it just so we could be all right again, I don't think we're ever going to be all right. 

And why's that? Well remember how I told Axl I didn't see myself ever doing heroin again? I lied. 

I don't even know why I'm doing this to myself. Maybe I feel like I do deserve this misery that Nikki claimed I didn't. These past couple of weeks I haven't spoken to anyone and they haven't tried to speak to me either. My band is giving me the silent treatment as is Crue. And as for GNR, they don't even know where to begin with this situation so they just leave me be. I admit, it feels pretty shitty but at the same time, it doesn't. I've become quite the loner and I'm starting to get a little too comfortable with it. 

I need to stop this. I know smack is bad for me. It'll ruin my life. Hell, it already is! And yet, I have no desire to actually quit. 

I let out a groan once I felt the person next to me attempt to pull me into their embrace. Nikki and I didn't share a room anymore so I took that as we weren't together anymore either. That being said, I've been hooking up with random guys left, right, and center. 

"Dude, no. Get off." I grumbled, making the man laugh. Well, that wasn't the reaction I was predicting. 

"Right, sorry. Forgot that you're not really one for cuddling." he chuckled, his deep voice was definitely nice to listen to. So there's that at least. 

"Meh, it's all right. But you do have to get out of my bed. Preferably right now." I replied, letting out a yawn. 

"Yes ma'am" the man laughed again as he got out from all of the blankets and gathered his clothes throwing them on. I decided to take a nice good look at him seeing as I don't remember a whole lot from last night. 

"So am I ever gonna see you again, Maria?" he asked as I walked him to the door. 

"I don't know, I'm not too good at the whole promises thing" I admitted as he opened the door, both of us stepping out into the hall, but me staying in the door way. 

"Maybe I can persuade you?" he offered.

"I don't even know your name" I said as bluntly as possible. My new attitude could give Axl a run for his money. 

He let out a very loud laugh at this, probably waking up the entire floor. "I'm Robbin. Robbin Crosby." 

I had noticed he had taken a step forward and I had to crane my neck slightly to look up at him. "You're not gonna kiss me, are you?" I asked.

Robbin just smirked. "What? You weren't complaining last night."

"I could've been. I don't really remember," I admitted. "but the reason I asked is cause I don't really feel like reenacting literally every cheesy rom-com ever made." I smirked subtly up at the dirty blonde. 

"All right, I guess that's a fair point. Then take this, as something to remember me by." he put a baggy in my hand and I already was well aware of what was inside. 

"Thanks Robbin" I smiled tiredly up at him.

"Not a problem babe" he winked, leaning down to kiss me on the cheek and head off towards the elevator. 

I smiled slightly as he walked away from me but that all changed once I went to head back inside and caught a glimpse of the man I had been avoiding for weeks. 

And I thought I was in rough shape. Nikki made me look like a god damn model. 

I didn't even realize that Mick was with him. He had this power over me and it was so embarrassing. The look he gave me was one of pure disgust. Nikki was disgusted with me. Now that is saying something. And without a word, he stormed off to who knows where. 

I let out a sigh and went to head back into my room but was stopped by Mick.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he spoke up, nearly shocking me. 

"Hey Mick, what's new? Haven't heard from you in a while" I said dryly walking into my hotel room and not even bothering to close the door because I knew Mick would follow suite. 

"Answer me, Ria. I'm not fucking around here." his tone was sharp and while it terrified me a little bit, I tried not to act fazed. 

"Nothing is wrong with me, if you must know. I'm not sure why you need to know, anyway. You all have made it perfectly clear that you all don't give two shits about me." I answered, my voice cold and I shot him a glare to match it. 

"You know that's not true, Ria. Yeah, we're upset with you and we have every right to be." Mick had calmed down a bit. 

"No you don't! You all have your vices. I've seen the amount of vodka you can consume in a day, Mick so don't even try to deny it. Why can't I have mine? This is some double standard bullshit." I nearly shouted in Mick's face. Why the fuck was I yelling at him? He's concerned about me and is expressing that. He cares. Why can't I just swallow my damn pride?!

Mick let out a sigh before he decided to speak again. "Okay, I admit that you have a point. But that doesn't make what you're doing all right. Ria you don't deserve to be doing this to yourself. You're smarter than this. You're better than this." 

"Oh shut the hell up Mick and stop patronizing me." I scoffed. 

"Patronizing you? All right that's it" In the blink of an eye, Mick had snatched the bag full of heroin from my hands and had made his way over to the bathroom, ignoring me in the process. He flushed them down the toilet making me nearly cry. 

"Why would you do that?!" I practically screamed. 

"Because even though you are giving me every reason not to; I give a shit about you! You are gonna get off of this shit because I refuse to watch this stuff kill you. Got it?!" Mick yelled, shutting me up immediately. 

Once I had controlled my breathing, I responded shakily. "O-okay." 

. . .

A/N: Well holy shit Mick. You go bby. 

So I have another Nikki story in mind that I will be working on. Not sure when I'm gonna publish it with chapters but I have a teaser(?)/introduction part written out already. Should I just post it or...? 

Anyway thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day/night/week/month/life!

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