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     I was on my fourth day heroin free and I was really starting to feel the withdrawal effects

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I was on my fourth day heroin free and I was really starting to feel the withdrawal effects. I wonder if this is what dying feels like and I'm not even trying to be dramatic when I say that. It's sort of incredible how much heroin can consume you. I had only been doing it a few weeks and the craving was already imprinted on my brain or something. Thank God for Mick, cause there is no way I could do this on my own.

"Do you want to go grab something to eat?" Mick offered, looking up from his book at me.

"No, I just want to die." I replied bluntly, basically doubling over on the couch. Mick and I had been sharing a room the past few days so he could keep a close eye on me and help me kick this disgusting habit I had developed. Emi and him had broken up recently much to my dismay. I really liked them together. He ended up telling her that he was going to help me kick my sudden addiction so she didn't think we were fooling around or anything. What a stand up guy.

And here I was making his life a living Hell.

"I know this sucks Ria, but you haven't eaten much in the past few days. We gotta get you back into a healthier routine, kid. Let's go see what the hotel has to offer." Mick tried to persuade me and all I did was give him a funny look. "Shit, you're really gonna make me do this, aren't you?" he asked to which I continued to look at him funny and rather confused. "Pleeeeeeease?" Mick pouted like a child which was the craziest thing I have ever seen.

I couldn't help it. I burst out into laughter. I was laughing to the point of tears to which Mick joined in too. Once we both had calmed down, I smiled up at him. "Okay, okay. I'll try and eat something. Just let me clean myself up first." I complied making Mick nod with a smile.

"Please do. You smell absolutely revolting." Mick said playfully but his words couldn't be more true.

"Oh you're just so sweet to me. C'mere" I grinned pulling him in for a hug, engulfing him with my smell.

"God dammit, get offa me!" he groaned making me laugh. I pulled away and headed off to the bathroom. A hot shower sounded incredible right now.

Once I was all cleaned up and dried off. I threw on my undergarments I had brought with me as well as my jean shorts. I found one of Mick's shirt and picked it up. Bringing it up to my nose, I deemed it as okay. I threw it on and put on my favourite perfume. I did some light makeup, brushed my teeth, and threw my hair up into a high ponytail. I actually looked well, alive. Granted, I had lost some weight and it definitely showed, I looked healthier already.

I can do this. I. Can. Do. This.

I exited the bathroom, catching Mick's attention. "Looking better already, kid." Mick smiled making me smile back.

"Thanks Mick, I really do owe ya."

"Stop saying that before I smack you upside the head" Mick joked as we left his hotel room to make our way to the buffet room on the main floor of the hotel.

I took my seat at a table far off as Mick decided to fix us both plates of food.

I hadn't noticed that literally all of the guys were down here until I heard a whistle in my direction. It was Vince. He shot me a playful wink and in response, I shot him the middle finger.

"Oh yeah, she's mad all right." Tommy spoke up. Thankfully Mick saved me and took a seat with me. He handed me a big plate full of mixed vegetables, two slices of pizza, french fries, and a cheeseburger. He also made me a jack n coke to wash it all down.

"In what world would I ever eat all of this? Mick this is excessive" I laughed.

"Well you haven't eaten in days. And it's not that excessive, all the food groups are right there" he motioned making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"Thank you" I smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I told you, you bastard!" Axl shouted as he got in Vince's face, catching everyone's attention.

"You shut your damn mouth right now" Vince snarled.

"Why? Cause it bothers you that I'm right? You wanna know why there's so much fuckin' tension between my band and yours? It's because that whore right there is sleeping around with and cause unnecessary problems." Axl pointed accusingly at me.

What the actual fuck?!

I mean yeah, I slept with Slash and Nikki. And well, almost Duff. But that's it! Granted that is a bit much but this asshole is making me sound like I have slept with all of them. The nerve of this guy!

"What the fuck did you just say?!" I spoke up, getting up from my seat and making my way over to Axl, ready to knock him on his ass.

"Just what everyone else here is thinking but doesn't have the balls to say. You are a whore. Plain and simple." Axl smirked.

"Oh that is rich coming from your STD infested ass." I snarled. Tommy had gotten up to try and wedge himself in between us. He meant well, but even I could shove his scrawny ass out of the way.

"Don't be jealous about my lifestyle, princess. If anything, I'm jealous of you!" he pushed Tommy aside and pointed his index finger at me in an accusing manner. "You and your little band should be kicked off this tour for the shit you've been pulling. I guess sleeping with the whole Crue comes with its perks, right?" Axl taunted.

Before I could even register what I was doing, my hand came up to bitch slap Axl. But he caught it and shot a smug smile down at me. "Gonna have to be quicker than that, sugar" he taunted.

Before I could reply, Axl was punched right in the nose, making him let go of my wrist and fall to the floor. I heard Vince laugh and Tommy yell out "oh shit!"

I looked over to see it was Nikki who had punched him.

I eyed him cautiously as he stared down at Axl, glaring. "I thought I already made it crystal clear that you stay the fuck away from what's mine," he snarled. "c'mon" Nikki motioned for me to come with him. When I didn't react, he took my hand and lead me out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to keep up with his strides.

"Haven't thought that far ahead yet." he admitted as we made our way out of the hotel.

What the hell is going on?

. . .

A/N: two chapters in one day? I'm practically Wonder Woman.

So in the last chapter I said that I was thinking of posting a new Nikki story I have been working on so I am doing just that. You can go check it out on my profile. It's called "Stubborn" :)

Thanks for the overwhelming amount of reads and love for this story. It's been up for two months as of tomorrow and the feedback has been incredible. Thank you again! 🖤 ~

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