★ forty seven ★

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     I really want to tell you that I held my ground and told Nikki to fuck off

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     I really want to tell you that I held my ground and told Nikki to fuck off. But that would be a lie seeing as him and I are currently walking with purpose outside. And by that, I mean he's got a firm grip on my wrist and is dragging me through the parking lot.

Is this considered kidnapping?

Do I bust out the pepper spray now or later?

And when the fuck did he get so strong?

"Would you let go of me and tell me where the fuck we're going?" I practically growled out at the way he was man-handling me. What gave him the right?

Nikki didn't let go of me until we reached his car, to which he went over to the passenger's side and opened the door, looking at me and motioning with his head for me to get in.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Can't I just tell you when we get there?" Nikki retorted.

"No, that's way too sketchy, even for you" I pointed out to which Nikki let out a sigh.

"Just get in the damn car," Nikki gestured. When I raised my eyebrow at his sudden outburst and made no attempt to move, he added a soft "please".

"I don't really think this is a good idea, Sixx" I said, my voice matching his at this point. 

My words seemed to hurt him judging his demeanor but he still made his way over to me. "I just want to talk with you, I won't try a thing. Not unless you want me to." he tried to add a little joke at the end.

"And we can't talk right here, why?" I shot back. "After all, you did show up here with Vanity. You couldn't have possibly changed that much for me to forgive you"  

Nikki's body was tense now and he looked so uncomfortable. "She insisted cause she's been trying to get back with me, I guess. We drove separately if that makes you feel any better." 

"It really doesn't," I rolled my eyes. "how could that make me feel better? You're killing yourself and forcing me to be apart of the process and I can't." My voice was shaking at this point and I could feel my lip quivering. That made Nikki look up into my eyes. 

"You're really gonna make me do this right here, aren't you?" Nikki asked. When I didn't answer him, he let out a sigh "all right, fine." he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper and handed it over to me. 

I took it from him, shooting him a confused look. The look on his face encouraged me to open it up and read it, so I did. When I unfolded the paper I let my eyes scan over the paper and I stopped breathing for a minute. 

It was a brochure for a rehab facility. The words 'heroin addiction' were circled by a bright red pen.

I looked back up at Nikki and he had taken another step towards me. "I just wanted to let you know that this," he pointed down at the brochure "has where I've been the last twelve days. I know that's not a big deal but it's a start I guess." 

Without thinking, I pulled Nikki into me and hugged him as tight as I could. "This is a big deal! I'm so proud of you for taking such a big step" I said, on the brink of tears. 

"You are?" he had the nerve to sound surprised. 

I pulled away slightly, so I could look at him. "Of course I am! You're really serious about kicking this addiction?" I asked.

"More than anything," Nikki spoke, wiping away a tear that had already made it's way down my face. "I don't want to hurt you anymore. I don't want to be this monster anymore." he admitted.

"Don't do this for me. Do it for you." I encouraged with a smile. 

"I'd do anything for you though. I wish you knew that." he added, wrapping his arm tighter around my waist. "Not to fuck with your head or anything but I am still madly in love with you and all this time away from you has been probably the hardest thing I've ever had to endure. Apart from the detox of course." 

I felt my heart stop for the umpteenth time that day. This man was just full of surprises. 

He caught the look in my eye and suddenly looked a little anxious. "Oh shit, that was too much, wasn't it? Fuck, I'm sorry. It has been a while and you've probably moved on and don't feel anything for me anymore." 

"Nikki-" I got cut off with further ramblings from a stressed out Nikki.

"I mean it's just how could I not be in love with you, really?" He had detached himself from me at this point. 

"Nikki I-" 

"My stupid counselor said that it's good to just be straight up with the people around you or some shit like that but why did I take it SO literal?!"

"Nikki!" I exclaimed trying to get his attention but it really was no use. 

"Fuck Linda! That bitch gave me way too much false confidence, now I just fucked up whatever chance at a relationship I ever had with you" he said to me but more so he was just talking out loud at this point.

"Oh son of a bitch" I rolled my eyes and reached up, grabbing Nikki by the sides of his face and pulled him down to my height level, planting my lips firmly on his. I felt him almost instantly relax into the kiss and pull me closer. Damn, did I ever miss this feeling. It was almost scary.

We pulled away and Nikki rested his forehead on mine. I hugged him closer to me and let out a soft hum. "I'm still in love with you too, Sixx. I guess that's why these last few weeks have been so difficult to deal with without you." 

"It's been absolute hell. I think the guys were ready to kick me out of the band cause I was just writing a whole lot of sad songs that weren't even remotely good" he spoke making me laugh slightly. 

"Well I'd still like to hear 'em. You're too humble, ya know?" I grinned. 

Nikki rolled his eyes playfully. "Whatever you say, Ria" he reached down and grabbed my ass making me squeal slightly and smack his chest, making him laugh rather hard. I missed that laugh. 

"Wanna go back to my place for a movie night and some pizza?" he offered after our laughter had died down. 

"You know me so well" I beamed up at him as he lead me back to his car, opening my door so I could get in.

We sped off before the paparazzi could get any more photos of us. 

. . .

A/N: Ayeeeee here's some fluff for ya from my otp

Did ya like it? Love it? Hate it? Lemme know cause I love your feedback! I still can't believe how much this story has blown up since I took a chance in posting it back in February. Thanks so much loves!

Till next chapter! xo ~

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