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I woke up the next morning, well afternoon with a killer headache. I also noticed plenty of voices. I opened my eyes slowly and noticed that I was in my own room. Had we really walked all the way back to my hotel? Or were Nikki and I staying at the same one? I really don't need to be overthinking right now, my head hurts too much.

I let out a groan and decided to get up, only to feel an arm around my waist, tighten. I looked up to see that it was Nikki. "Sleep" he muttered to me, his eyes remained shut.

"But it's like," I looked over at the alarm clock. "three in the afternoon."

"Yeah well, you need all the beauty sleep you can get" Nikki replied, I saw the smirk evident on his face.

"Speak for yourself, I'm gorgeous" I joked with a laugh, sitting up.

"You are" Nikki replied. His eyes holding no signs of joking or sarcasm. This was the shit that confused me. He'd act like we were nothing but fuck buddies who got high together and then he'd pull shit like this. I had to remind myself that this is all just one big game to him. He likes to see just how far he can push a person. I've seen him do it plenty of times in the few years I've known him. And there was no way I was letting him do that to me.

"Right," I cleared my throat. "go back to sleep if you want, I'm gonna see whoever the fuck is in my room." and with that, I got up and threw on a big baggy shirt I found on the floor and slipped on some panties, making my way out into the main part of my room. When I made my way past a mirror in the hall, I nearly jumped at the sight.

"Shit Ria, you're ugly." I muttered, fixing my hair the best I could and removing the eyeliner from under my eyes with my finger. 'Good enough' I thought.

I walked out into the main room to find it full of my band and the guys of Motley. Vince was the first to see me, and he let out a loud whistle at my appearance. I rolled my eyes with a smile at him. Vince was a decent guy sometimes, and all the other times he was either horny or a piece of shit. Meh, I still liked him.

"Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in" Jason, my drummer laughed.

"They seemed to have stolen your pants Ria" Tony, the bassist, added smirking as well.

"Hey man this is my fucking hotel room. If I don't wanna wear pants, that's just how it's gonna be." I sassed, rummaging around in hopes of finding some aspirin.

"I for one, have no complaints about that whatsoever," Vince grinned. "feel free to lose the top while you're at it." he added.

I turned around to glare at him. Mick, who was next to him decided to smack the back of his head. "Ow, what the fuck Mick? Damn." Vince whined. I laughed softly and mouthed "thank you" to Mick. He just smiled and took a sip of his cup which I assumed was vodka.

"What ya looking for?" I heard Steven, my trusty guitarist ask. He was opening a new bottle of Jack for the guys.

"Aspirin. Does anybody have any?" I asked. Everyone looked at one another and then back at me. I let out a groan. "So helpful. Well," I took the bottle of Jack from Steven and brought it to my lips. "hair of the dog it is" I downed at least two shots worth and set it back down on the coffee table.

Tommy laughed loudly at me. "I love ya, Ramone."

"I love ya too, T-Bone" I winked.

"Get a room, why don't ya?" we heard Nikki finally make his way into the room. He threw his leather pants on but they were hanging loosely from his hips and he was shirtless. I felt a bunch of people staring at me and sure enough they were. My band looked from Nikki to me, and then back to Nikki.

"What?" I asked, leaning forward to grab my stash of weed from the table, deciding to roll some joints for tonight. When I stood back up, I felt myself being pulled backwards and I let out a gasp once I was sat in Nikki's lap. How did he get over to me so fast?

"Is she wearing your shirt, Sixx?" Tony asked, lighting up a cigarette. Nikki just nodded with a little smirk on his face. His signature look, at this point.

"Awe aren't you two just adorable" Tommy cooed, making everyone laugh.

"Alright T-Bone, you're not my favourite anymore." I joked, making him sulk playfully.

As I rolled up the last joint on the side table, next to where Nikki and I were sitting, the boys were all talking about their plans for after the show tonight. Once I was satisfied with the way the joints turned out, I smiled victoriously to myself.

"You look cute when you're concentrating," Nikki whispered in my ear. "you always stick your tongue out a little bit like that?" he pointed at the side of my mouth where my tongue was peaking out.

Immediately, I stopped. "I uh, I've never noticed that I do that" I mumbled, looking back at Nikki. He wasn't smirking at me. He was more or less studying me. I did the same. His hair wasn't teased to shit and was framing his face. He had no makeup on and his green eyes were so soft looking. He certainly was a sight for sore eyes.

"I heard you in the hallway you know," he mumbled, moving my hair out of my face. "and you are far from ugly. Just uh, just thought you should know that."

Where the hell was this coming from? He was never like this. Not that I was complaining. I just wasn't aware that Nikki was capable of being sweet. It was interesting and refreshing.

"Thank you" I smiled and leaned in, pecking him on the lips. I didn't know why I did that, but it just felt natural. Thankfully I didn't hear anything from the peanut gallery so I assumed they weren't looking.

And they weren't. Well, except for Mick. If I would have looked over I would have seen the soft smile on his face as he watched Nikki and I interact like normal human beings towards each other for the first time in our lives.

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