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Fourteen Months Later

     Today was the day!

Nikki had actually stuck with his rehab and took it seriously. Today was his last day. Audrey, Whisky, and I were on our way to pick him up. Tommy, Mick, and Vince were gonna meet us there and afterwards, we'd be heading out to dinner to celebrate. 

I'll admit, when Nikki first left for his rehab retreat, I was worried. Worried if he was actually going or if he was bailing. But he called multiple times a week to talk to me and Audrey. I could tell she always looked forward to him calling which would always put a huge smile on both of our faces. 

Even though he wasn't with us, he was doing everything he could to be a great dad for Audrey. Like he said he would. 

He had even had gifts sent for Audrey's birthday. He went all out and she was so excited with all of her gifts. He even got me some nice things for my birthday too. A beautiful fitted black dress and some gorgeous Christian Louboutin black sequined pumps I had seen in a store a while ago. I couldn't believe he remembered. The man was seriously an angel.

And tonight, he would be spoiled. In more ways than one, if he'd like. 

I found myself biting my lip in excitement to the point that I could almost taste blood. Jesus Christ Ria, get it together. Going without sex for a little over a year makes me feel like I'm a virgin all over again, damn.

I could hear Whisky whining softly in the hallway making me laugh. "I know baby, I can't wait for daddy to come home either."

"Dad-dy" Audrey spoke up, bouncing in her seated position softly. My jaw dropped at the scene before me. Audrey was smiling her big smile and I could've started crying right then and there. She just said her first word.

"That's right baby, we're gonna bring daddy home today" I cheered, making my darling daughter giggle in excitement. 

Once I had everything all packed, I grabbed the bags, taking them outside and loading them into the trunk of my matte black Mercedes W124. Satisfied with how everything fit into the trunk, I closed it and made my way back inside to grab my daughter. 

Audrey clapped her hands together as I had picked her up and settled her on my hip as we made our way out to the car.

"Whisky, you take care of the place now" I smiled over my shoulder. Whisky just responded with a yappy bark. 

As I locked the door, a black van pulled up and honked. I turned around to see the boys of Crue sans Nikki pulling up the driveway. 

I grinned as they all waved simultaneously.  

"Well if it isn't my favourite MILF," Vince jeered playfully making me scowl at him slightly. And then on cue, his words were followed by a slap. "god dammit Mick, I was just playing around!" 

I bust out laughing, Audrey giggled with me. I loaded my baby into her car seat, handing her a little stuffed pink bear she had grown to love. It was one of the many presents that Nikki had sent her. 

I closed the door softly and made my way around the Mercedes to the driver's side. 

"You sure you know the way, Ramone?" Tommy asked me, he was practically hanging out of the right backseat window. In response I just flipped him the bird making him laugh loudly. 

I got into the car, turned the engine on to hear the car come to life. I looked up into the mirror to see my daughter snuggling her pink bear and smiled at the sight. I rolled down the windows slightly and looked over next to me to see the guys staring at me. Mick was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, Vince was looking excited to get going, and so was Tommy. I smiled at that sight as well. 

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" I yelled over at the guys making them all cheer. And then we took off to go get our Nikki back.

. . .

A/N: How we feeling about this one? Lil filler, whoops. But cute shit is about to happen!

I feel as if I've been saying this for the last ten chapters that we're coming to the end of this story and we ARE. I think I've just been writing that out every time to prepare myself. :(

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