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     I had called the front desk and asked them if they could put Mick on the phone

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     I had called the front desk and asked them if they could put Mick on the phone. I trusted my band but when it came to Nikki, I trusted Mick the most. I told him what was going on cause there was no point in trying to bullshit Mick. He knew better. 

"Is he gonna be able to play tonight?" Mick nearly whispered into the phone. 

"I think so, he loves the music too much to not show up. He's just really out of it right now. I'm trying to get him to come down from the high but I need more time. Can you guys squeeze Tony, Jason, and Steven on you and Guns' buses? He doesn't wanna see anyone right now and he and I will take our van to the next venue and meet you there." I asked, hopeful. 

Mick let out a sigh. "Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem. What should I tell the guys?" 

"Maybe that he's hungover? Or still drunk? I don't know, anything but the truth please." I nearly begged. 

"Alright, I'll come up with something." he replied. 

"Thanks Mick, I owe you one." I smiled as I spoke. 

"You don't owe me anything. We OWE you. You're a good kid, Ria" Mick said softly, it sounded like he was smiling too. 

"Thanks man, I'll see you later with a functioning bass player" I tried to joke. 

It seemed to work cause I heard him chuckle. "I'm holding you to that. Drive safe darling." And with that, he hung up. 

I let out a sigh as I placed the phone back on the receiver. Now how the hell was I going to sober up Nikki? I made my way back into the room to see Nikki sitting up, wrapped head to toe in the blankets, with his head peaking out. He had managed to turn the tv on and was watching MTV. 

I giggled at the sight, catching his attention. "What?" he asked, sounding like a child. 

"Nothing," I shook my head with a smile. "you're just cute, that's all." 

He smiled at my words and motioned for me to come over to join him, so I did. I sat down next to him on the tv and asked him what he was watching. He motioned to the tv, making me roll my eyes playfully. It was a Cinderella music video, making me grin. "I love them!" I cheered. 

"But Motley will always be your favourite, right?" he asked. 

I looked at him, a smirk on my face. "I suppose, I don't know G'N'R may be a close second." I joked. But Nikki's face fell at my words. 

"You like him, don't you?" he asked, his voice just above a whisper. 

"Who?" I asked, playing dumb. 

"Slash. You like him, right?" he asked again. His face looked defeated. What was going on here?

"He's a pretty cool guy, and we have a lot of similar interests. I don't know, I'm still getting to know him." I answered honestly. I did like him, I liked how secure I felt when I was around him. But I'm no good at love so there's no point in getting my hopes up. I'll just have to see where this goes. 

"Can you promise me something?" he asked, after a while of silence. I looked over at him and nodded. "Promise me that you'll always be my girl? That one day when I smarten up, you'll be with me?" 

I was taken back by his words. But then I remember that he was high out of his mind. He wouldn't remember this. When I didn't say anything right away, he held out his pinky finger to me, making me laugh softly. 

I hooked my pinky around his, making him smile. "I promise" I replied. If it calmed him down and eased him back to reality quicker, then I'd say whatever he needed me to. Like I said, he won't remember this anyway. 

He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I tensed up at first but relaxed and kissed him back. I didn't know if he wanted more until he pulled away, much to my comfort. He was still inches away from my face. "Thank you" he smiled shyly, making me smile back.

"Anything for you Sixx" I said, ruffling his hair playfully making him laugh. 

We spent a few hours in my hotel room until he seemed normal enough that we could leave. I packed up the rest of my stuff. Nikki offered to help me carry my bag. "It's okay Nikki, really" I smiled. He wasn't having it. He pried the bag out of my hands and headed out the door without another word. I rolled my eyes and him and picked up my discarded leather jacket. When I picked it up, a crumpled up piece of paper fell out. Curiosity got the better of me and I picked it up. 

I recognized Nikki's handwriting immediately. The sheet had lyrics scribbled all over it and it was even titled. You're All I Need

'He probably needs this' I thought to myself. I put it in the pocket of Slash's jacket that I had put back on. I did a double check to see if I had every thing and when I was satisfied, I joined Nikki out in the hall. We walked to the elevator, and he took my hand in his. 

"How are we getting there?" Nikki asked. I in return revealed that I had the keys to my band's van. He smiled at this and leaned down to kiss my cheek. 

Maybe this was selfish of me to say, but I liked Nikki in this state. He was calming down and was actually, well nice to me. I knew this wouldn't last so I was taking advantage of every second of it. 

Selfish? Absolutely. 

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