★ sixxty three ★

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          True to his word, Nikki gave me time and space. He was understanding and gentle with me. However, I still had him over at the house every day so he could be a father to Audrey. I just sort of put my walls back up when he was getting a little too close to me. It wasn't easy, but it had to be done. If Nikki was going to earn my trust back, he had to do it right.

Although, I did find myself caving on certain things. I had tried to be a little strict with him when he was over, but I also had to take his recovery and the fact that he literally died, into consideration. So, I didn't make him work too hard as he should be resting. But he didn't seem the least bit tired or weak. He seemed to only care about spending time with Audrey, Whisky, and me... when I let him. 

Speaking of the devil, he was currently watching her sleep softly in her baby play pen we had set up in the living room. Audrey had fallen asleep watching Sesame Street a while ago, yet Nikki still had the show on the tv.

"Nikki?" I asked from the kitchen. I was sitting at the island table writing up a grocery list. 

He nearly came barreling into the kitchen, as if he had ran here. I managed to suppress my laughter at the thought. Nikki either didn't notice my struggle at that or just simply didn't care. "What's up ba-- Ria?" he corrected himself. He really was doing his best at respecting my wishes and boundaries. 

"I was wondering if you could keep an eye on Audrey while I head out to the grocery store for a little bit" I smiled softly, my way of letting him know that I trusted him. Even though I had every reason not to given our history. However, he was like a completely different person with Audrey around. He was responsible, he put her needs before his own. It was amazing. 

"Really? You'd let me stay with her?" Nikki asked, his eyes widened a little in surprise. 

"Yeah, you've been really great with her. Besides, I'll only be gone less than an hour." I replied honestly. 

"Yeah okay. I'd love to" he smiled a little goofy smile. It blew my mind that the birth of Audrey literally refreshed him. I smiled back. It made me so happy. 

And yet, my walls were still up. After all, it had only been a couple of days. 

As I was grabbing my car keys and my wallet to toss into my purse that was waiting for me by the door on the console table, Nikki stopped me gently in the front foyer. 

"Hey Ria?" he asked me softly as he stood in front of me.


"I uhm... I was wondering if maybe I could come back here for Christmas and maybe we could celebrate as a," he paused as if he was afraid to finish his thought. But he eventually found the courage. "as a family." 

I let the words hang in the air for a moment. Honestly, I just wanted to jump his bones, kiss the hell out of him and say yes, a thousand times yes. 

But instead, I attempted to play it cool.

"That sounds fine. I think that would be good for Audrey." 

AND ME. But ya know. The baby comes first. Mama is playing hard to get. And she is failing rather miserably.

"Would it be good for you too? I wouldn't want to impose." he replied. I swear I caught a little smirk but as quickly as I saw it, it was gone. He knew I was bluffing. He knew he could have his way with me if he pleased. But he was doing what I asked of him. And fuck, did that make it hard for me not to love him.

"Yes Nikki, it would be good for me too. You're welcome to stay for Christmas" I smiled, rolling my eyes playfully at him. 

He was grinning from ear to ear at my answer and without a second thought, he picked me up and spun me around in his arms making me let out a shriek of laughter. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuu" he bellowed making me laugh even harder.

"This doesn't feel like respecting my boundaries" I replied, half-joking.

"Oh yeah, oops." he chuckled, setting me back down, his arms stayed around me a little longer before he eventually let go, to the dismay of both of us.

"Anyway, I'll be back in a little bit. Try not to cause too much trouble, Sixx" I smirked softly, grabbing my purse and getting ready to head out.

"I'll only teach Audrey three swear words while you're gone, I promise." he teased, holding his pinky finger out for me to wrap mine around.

I just looked at him and gave him my best "bitch, are you serious?" look. He just let out a loud laugh. "Okay fine, maybe four." 

"I seriously can't with you" I shook my head with a grin as I waved goodbye, blew Whisky a kiss as he came into the foyer to see what was going on. He wagged his tail at the attention and I left before Nikki could coax me into a kiss goodbye. 

This was a lot harder than I thought.

. . .

A/N: how are we feeling about Nikki and Ria as parents? I'm obsessed lmao.

Unfortunately, this story is coming to an end. I say unfortunately cause even though I have worked on this story for a couple of years (with a little hiatus in there as well), this has been my favourite story that I have ever written. I have never had this much fun when it comes to my writing. And you have all been wonderful. Thank you for making this story literally BLOW UP. I never expected the magnitude that this story reached. Again, thank you so fucking much. <3

See ya in the next chapter. xo ~

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