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          It was now the final night of our tour, and what a hell of a tour it has been. Infamous has gotten a lot bigger since before we went out on this tour with Guns and I couldn't be happier about the fanbase we were establishing. People were lining up earlier to get in just to see us; fans had waited for us outside of our hotels and tour buses; people actually gave a shit about us and our music. I felt like I was the fucking Beatles. 

The boys and I were having a blast. Everything was good with the boys in GNR and Slash even introduced me to his new girlfriend. Her name is Perla and she's awfully nice. I know it sounds weird and it should probably feel weird but I'm incredibly happy for the two of them. Part of me wonders what would have happened if Slash and I worked out. But I must say, I like it a lot better that we're friends. I missed that. 

And while I was loving every moment of this tour and feeling the love in return, I was also pretty grateful that this tour was coming to an end tonight. 

Because I, Ria Ramos, am going to be a mother.

Yup. I am pregnant. Nikki is coming in for the show tonight from Van Nuys and I'm gonna tell him once we get back to his place. Most of it is packed up cause we are looking for a new home together. I offered to just move into his home in Van Nuys with him but he immediately rejected that idea. His current home just reminds him of all the dark times and awful memories. He said he wants a new place to start new memories with me and Whisky. And well, our future baby. He just doesn't know that part yet. 

Well honestly, no one knows yet. I was thinking of surprising literally EVERYONE tonight at our show by announcing it to the crowd. Fingers crossed it goes well. 

I scanned my appearance one last time in the mirror before fixing my hair, grabbing Nikki's leather jacket, and heading to the stage to meet the rest of the band. 

. . .

"Thank you Los Angeles!" I shouted into the mic, earning deafening cheers from the crowd. "You know, you guys really know how to make a band feel special" I winked which gained some laughs. 

"Anyway, before we play our last song of the night... I just wanted to thank you guys for making this tour so special for all of us. This time last year, Infamous was literally a bunch of misfits crammed into a two bedroom apartment writing song after song. Now, we're here in front of you beautiful people and we're opening for Guns N fuckin' Roses!" 

"And we'll be back, I promise we'll be back. But it may be a little while because I gotta go be a mom first" I dropped the bomb so smoothly that the crowd was stunned silent for a moment before they erupted in cheers. I looked to see the shocked expressions on Tony, Jason, & Stevie's faces. 

Off to the side stage, I saw the guys of GNR and especially Nikki all shocked as well. Soon it was replaced with cheering and clapping. They were all nudging and what I assumed were congratulating Nikki, which made me smile. My band mates came over to me and pulled me into a bear hug making me laugh. They all congratulated me and told me they were so damn excited for me. 

Once we all pulled away, I went back to the mic. "All right, enough of that shit. You guys ready for one last song before you get blown away by Guns N Roses?!" I shouted earning screams. 

. . .

We came off of the stage and Nikki pulled me into him immediately, lifting me off of the ground and spinning me around. I let out a loud giggle which made him laugh in response. Once he set me back down, he pressed his lips to mine firmly. I ignored the wolf whistles and cheers and just melted into Nikki's kiss. 

We pulled away and Nikki rested his forehead against mine. "We're gonna be parents." Nikki exhaled. 

"Yeah," I spoke a bit shakily. "and we're gonna kick so much ass at it" I said making him laugh hard at my response. 

"I love you Ria" 

"I love you too Sixx" I smiled. 

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa," Duff spoke up, making his way over to us. "first of all congrats on becoming parents. But second of all, when were you guys gonna mention this?" he asked, holding my hand up to reveal my engagement ring to everyone. All at the same time, everyone's jaws dropped. I wanted to laugh so hard but just grinned. 

"Well, we are definitely celebrating you guys tonight!" Axl decided, everyone agreed -- including Nikki and I. 

This was gonna be one hell of a night.

. . .

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took so long and isn't super long. I've been busy with therapy and work, again I apologize. 

Also, I'm not in the best mood because some girl on this app has decided to STEAL MY STORY. Yeah, I'm full on accusing at this point. I left a few comments on paragraphs that were stolen word for word from this book. And while part of me was hoping she'd either delete the book or rewrite it, she blocked me. I'm fucking pissed and disgusted. This book is my baby and I'm super passionate about it. It's one thing to gain inspiration from someone's work, it's an entirely different thing to steal. It's fucking disrespectful and I'm livid. 

Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter and let me know your thoughts. xo 

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