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     The hotel room looked like a complete war zone. How could one person create this much chaos in their down time?

"I would have tried to clean up if I knew you'd actually come back here with me" Nikki came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

I took in my surroundings again and couldn't help but scoff at him. "You? Clean up? Yeah, okay there Sixx" I removed myself from his embrace and went to go sit down on his bed, earning another smirk from him.

"You keep making that face, eventually it's gonna get stuck like that" I pointed at his face, his smirk to be more precise, earning a laugh from him. 

He took off his boots, then his jacket- making sure to grab the baggy from it before throwing his jacket haphazardly on the floor. "I could say the same thing to you," he took a seat next to me on the bed. "that frown doesn't suit you and neither will wrinkles babe" he grinned. Asshole.

"Yeah, yeah" I muttered, snagging the baggy from him. 

"Hey, who said you get first dibs?" Nikki whined, trying to snatch the bag from me. 

"Haven't you ever heard of 'ladies first'?" I batted my eyelashes at him. 

"Well yeah, but I don't see any ladies here" he sassed back, making my jaw drop for a moment. 

"You asshole!" I let out a laugh and leaned over to shove him. Nikki however, caught my hand and pulled me into him. But both of us had no balance and this caused us to fall off the bed and onto the floor. 

I let out a groan as I hit the carpet, Nikki falling right on top of me. "Shit, you okay baby?" Nikki asked. I just nodded in return. "I mean, I was talking to the coke but yeah, good to know you're fine too." he joked causing me to roll my eyes and smile slightly. 

"I won't lie to you, I really like this position" Nikki winked, moving some of my hair out of my face, and tucking it behind my ear. I tried so hard not to blush at his words. He was always like this. I think he just liked to get a reaction out of me. Nikki Sixx was not the romantic type. He was the "let me fuck your brains out cause I'm bored" type. 

"I don't doubt that" I teased, deciding to run my hand dangerously close to his crotch. He closed his eyes for a moment and I could feel him tense at my movements. Thankfully to add on to the teasing, our little "moment" was interrupted. 

"Yo Nikki! Do you got any- well alright then," I heard a familiar voice laugh. I craned my neck back to see an upside down Tommy. "well, well, well, Miss Ria Ramone" he grinned once he discovered it was me. He knew about my love for the Ramones and one night when we were drunk I let him in on how I wished Ria Ramone was my stage name. 

"Sup T-Bone?" I smiled back, Nikki got off of me to stand up, and I followed suite. Tommy pulled me in for a hug, to which I complied immediately. 

"How come you let him hug you?" Nikki said playfully. 

"Maybe cause I actually like him. He is MY terror twin after all" I replied smugly, making Tommy laugh and Nikki playfully glare at me. 

"Oh hell no, that's our thing. Your thing is the stupid rhyming pet names thing." Nikki retorted with ridiculous hand gestures, making Tommy and I look at each other and laugh. 

"I've never seen him so jealous" I mused. 

"Yeah? You should've seen the look on his face when you mention how badly you wanted to meet Slash" Tommy laughed, realization slapping him in the face right after. 

And for the first time, Nikki found himself losing his composure in front of me. And he did not like it at all, that much was for sure. 

"Oh really?" I smirked at Nikki, his eyes having a hard time meeting mine. Tommy looked like he was trying so hard not to laugh at his friend. 

But as soon as he appeared to be embarrassed, it was gone immediately. It was kinda cool how he could do that in the blink of an eye. "You oughta be nicer to me Ria, I'm the one with the drugs after all." he smirked. 

"Well actually, I'm the one with the drugs." I grinned, waving the baggy in front of both boys faces. Their eyes following the bag from left to right. 

"Grab her Tommy" Nikki yelled. Tommy went to wrap his arms around me but I ducked at the last minute and made a b-line for the door. 

"Gonna have to be quicker than that" I called, taking off down the hallway. 

"Ria this isn't fun for me" I heard Nikki yell out, his heavy footsteps following. I turned around to see him and Tommy chasing me. 

"Well come on 'terror twins', let's put your nickname to good use." I laughed, rounding the corner. I heard their laughter follow me.

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