★ fifty four ★

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          Nikki stared up at me with the most hopeful and beautiful eyes I had ever seen in my life

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          Nikki stared up at me with the most hopeful and beautiful eyes I had ever seen in my life. I couldn't believe that this was happening. He wants me to marry him?! Holy fucking shit. 

I knew that the longer I was staring at him, the more nervous it was making him. But I just could not help it. Nikki fucking Sixx wants me to marry him. He wants to settle down and get married. With me! If you would have told me this a year ago, I would have laughed so hard in your face. 

The look of panic washed away from his face and was replaced with a look of amusement when he saw me not so discreetly pinch myself to see if this was a dream. Safe to say that it wasn't. 

"Fuck yeah I will" I smiled down at him, making his smile grow. 

Nikki's hand that was holding the beautiful engagement ring was a little shaky but he slipped it on my finger with a bit of ease. I stared at the ring for a second before Nikki stood up and pulled me into his arms, kissing me feverishly. 

When we both pulled away, his skin was flushed and his breathing was a little heavy, no doubt matching my appearance. 

"You have just made me the happiest man alive. I don't even care how cheesy that sounds, it's fucking true." Nikki was beaming. His words were true and from the heart, I had never seen him so happy. I loved it. I love him. 

"I love you so much Nikki. I never would have thought that this is where the two of us would end up the from the first time I met you" I admitted, admiring my ring.

Nikki pulled me a bit closer to him and titled my chin with his thumb and index finger so that I was looking back up at him. "I know baby, I'm sorry for how I have been with you in the past. And for all of the shit I have put you through. But this," he held up my hand and signaled towards my ring finger "this also resembles our new life. Together. And I am going to be spending the rest of our new life making things right and making sure that you are always loved and always happy. You're my guardian angel, Ria." 

Nikki's words had me in tears, I wiped a few away and smiled up at him. "I adore you Nikki, and I can't wait to marry you." I replied truthfully. 

Nikki had a pensive look on his face. "I'd say let's runaway and get married right now, but you've got a tour to finish. And, we should do it right. However you wanna plan it, we'll do it" 

I nodded at his words and thought it over. "Running away sounds fun, and it sounds like us. But I want all of our friends to be there. So how about when we wrap up this tour, and when Motley has some down time; how about we have the wedding in our backyard? With some caters and everyone there? And we can do things our own way." I offered. 

Nikki was smiling from ear to ear. "I fucking love that idea babe. You just came up with that?" 

"Pretty much, yeah" I chuckled at his reaction. He joined in and pulled me to him for a searing kiss. When we pulled away, I couldn't help but smile at my future husband. 

Husband. Nikki is going to be my husband. I'm going to be Mrs. Sixx. I fucking love that. 

"Well then that's what we'll do. I can't wait" he smiled, leaning down to give me a kiss on my nose. 

I felt myself blush slightly at his actions. "Likewise" 

He turned to open the door to the bathroom so we could finally get out of the confined space. However, when Nikki opened the door, we definitely were not expecting to see my whole band gathered in the hall with huge smiles, cheering loudly. 

"What the hell?" I laughed.

"What the hell is right! I can't believe you fuckers are engaged!!" Tony pulled me into him for a big bear hug. Stevie and Jason joined in on it immediately. I felt so loved and I couldn't help but laugh at their excitement. 

And then I heard a camera click again. I looked over to see that Nikki had taken yet another picture of us all hugging like a family. This is my family. 

I've never been happier. 

. . .

A/N: Hello lovelies & happy October!  

I'm updating this a bit later than I was hoping but life just gets in the way sometimes y'know? Anyway, how are we feeling about this chapter? Pretty cute, right? It was sappy af and I loved it personally. 

We're getting very close to the end of this book and that makes me kinda sad but also pretty stoked. Thank you all for making this book bigger than I ever expected. My books are like my children so thank you so much for being so good to them <3 

Hope you have a good day/night/week/life! See ya in the next update xo ~

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