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     It was later in the night now and the guys of GNR were still hanging with us

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     It was later in the night now and the guys of GNR were still hanging with us. I grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows and tossed them next to our couches. We were getting pretty loaded and there was no way I was gonna let them leave in the state they're in.

"Oh come on Ria! We would have the best time ever and you know it! Just think about it" Steven exasperated making me roll my eyes playfully.

"But we're not even done our album yet. Another tour right now doesn't even make sense" I argued.

"Clearly someone hasn't been watching tv lately" Slash muttered, putting his two cents in. His words made me shoot him an odd look.

"She only watches tv 'coincidentally' whenever Sixx and the rest of the Crue are on" Tony ratted me out, as I fought back the blush rising to my cheeks.

"That's not true! The Shining was on the other night and none of you assholes wanted to watch it with me" I sassed, earning some laughs.

"Well that really is a crime because that movie is amazing!" Slash smirked slightly. "But getting back to what I was saying, you guys have gained quite the following and fans are wondering where the hell you went."

"Yeah man, you gotta strike while the iron is hot or whatever the fuck they say. Come on tour with us and give 'em what they want" Izzy added.

I rolled my eyes at Izzy's terminology with a smile but still felt a little uneasy.

"If it's about hurting the Crue's feelings, they'll get over it. They'll always love you Ria" Jason spoke, reading my mind.

"Well Nikki probably will throw a bitch fit about it" Axl added.

"Dude, not helping" Duff nudged Axl.

"Not trying to" Axl shrugged, earning some eye rolls and snickers from the group.

After a while of contemplation, I looked back up at everyone. "How much time would we have before tour starts?"

This earned me cheers from everyone. My band pulling me in for a group hug. "That wasn't an answer to my question" I sassed playfully.

"Tour will be starting in less than three weeks and it's gonna run for about two months. It's another North American run." Izzy piped up, making me nod.

"Okay. Well I guess we're in" I smiled, my boys nodding in agreement.

"Fuck yeah! Let's celebrate with some drinks then" Steven exclaimed.

"As opposed to what we were already doing?" I asked.

"No one likes a smart mouth, Miss Thing" Axl winked, handing me a cup of what I presumed to be jack n coke.

"Not true" Slash murmured to himself, taking a sip from his drink. I tried not to look over at him. My life was already confusing enough. I'm not gonna dig myself into that issue just yet.

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