★ forty eight ★

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     Nikki had picked us up an extra large pizza as well as a case of beer and we were en route to his place in Van Nuys. 

"Oh shit wait! We need to go pick up something from my place" I nearly exclaimed, catching Nikki off guard as he nearly swerved into another lane. 

"Really, Ria? The pizza's gonna get cold" he whined like a child making me laugh. 

"Trust me, it's vital" I smiled. 

"Okay fine" he let out an over dramatic sigh. 

"Thank you" I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and then gave him the directions to my shared house. 

"Yeah, yeah" he looked over at me with a lopsided grin as he placed his hand down on my thigh. I ran my finger nails up and down his arm slowly, causing goosebumps to break out onto his skin. I smiled at the sight. 

"Don't you start" Nikki warned. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" I fought the urge to grin over at him. He just eyed me suspiciously. 

"Don't make me pull over on the side of the road and fuck you" Nikki spoke, as bluntly as ever. 

I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Was that supposed to be a threat? Sounds kinda fun to me" I admitted, let my hand run over his growing bulge. 

"Jesus Christ, Maria" he let out through gritted teeth as I squeezed him abruptly through his leather pants. They left absolutely nothing from the imagination.

I had unbuckled my seat belt and leaned over to him to whisper into his ear, my breasts resting on his arm. "What? Voyeurism sounds right up your alley, don't ya think?" I smirked and gently bit down on his ear lobe. I pulled away slightly and planted a kiss behind his ear and a few down his neck. 

"Nobody likes a tease, Ria" Nikki groaned, trying to focus on the road. 

"Oh really? Because he says otherwise." I motioned to Nikki's dick. Feeling even more bold, I pulled away after leaving a fresh hickey on his neck and decided to undo Nikki's pants, letting his member spring free. Shit. 

Nikki looked over at me and the look in his eyes screamed desperation. And I wasn't about to leave him hanging. 

I winked at him and leaned down, taking him into my mouth. "Oh fuuuuuuck" Nikki let out immediately, his foot pressing down harder on the gas pedal. 

I took him out of my mouth but stroked him with my hand. "Drive carefully baby. Wouldn't wanna crash, would we?" I spoke in a condescending tone. 

"Fucking tease, shit" he moaned as I sped up my motions and then enveloped my lips around his tip. I took my time and teased him as much as I could before deep-throating him as best as I could. I tried to relax my gag reflex, but damn was he ever big. 

"Fuck Maria, oh my god stop," he moaned out, one of his hands had taken a hold of my hair roughly in attempt to get me off of him. But being the sadist that I am, I moaned at the feeling. "shit, that turned you on? You're fucking incredible" he moaned, thrusting his hips slightly a few times for me to take more of him." 

"If you don't fucking stop, I'm gonna cum in that pretty little mouth of yours" Nikki warned, which only spurred me on. I picked up the pace and a few moments later, Nikki let out a strangled like moan and had released into my mouth. A string of curses as well as my name had left his lips. It was like a symphony to my ears. 

I made sure to take it all into my mouth and swallowed every last drop. I tucked Nikki's member back into his pants and laced them back up for him before getting up and getting back into my seat next to him. Once I was adjusted, I realized we were parked outside of my house. Damn, we got here fast.

We locked eyes on each other and Nikki let out a breathy laugh. He leaned over and ran his fingers through my hair in an attempt to tame it. "You truly are one of a kind"

"But that's a good thing, right?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at him.

"Nah. It's a great thing," he leaned over and pecked my lips. "well we're here. What is it you needed to get?" 

I smiled brightly and hurried to exit the car. "I'll be right back!" I closed the car door and ran up to my house, fumbling with the keys. I opened the door and brought my fingers up to my mouth and whistled. Not even seconds later, Whisky was running at me. 

"Come on boy, someone's here to see you!" I cooed as I led Whisky outside. 

"Whisky!" I heard Nikki exclaim and soon he got out of the car and made his way over to our dog. 

Whisky nearly tackled Nikki to the ground, making him laugh at his excited state. "Hi boy! Did you miss me? I missed you" he smiled down at Whisky, petting him and wrapping his arm around him. 

I smiled at the sight. My family was back together. 

. . .

A/N: Two updates in one day? WHO AM I?!

But in all seriousness, my birthday is in two days (August 1st, if anyone cares lmao) and I'll be incredibly wasted this entire weekend so I figured I'd get as many updates in as possible before then. My gift to you, I guess? 

If you guys could spread the word about this story, that would mean the world to me and be the best birthday gift I could wish for. Seriously, this ole thing is almost at 80,000 reads?! What the hell? ♥

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a good day/night/week/month/life! ~

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