★ fifty one ★

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     Before I knew it, Infamous was back out on the road with the boys of Guns N' Roses. And quite frankly, I didn't expect myself to be nearly this excited about it. Granted it was very hard for me to say goodbye to Nikki and Whisky, I was very happy to get back on stage with my band. We were getting more and more recognition as the days went by it seemed. And I gotta tell you, that is seriously the greatest yet most indescribable feeling there possibly is. 

While we may have a few of the shows done and under our belts, I felt like I was still on some sort of high. Would every show feel like this? That made me incredibly excited. 

"Ria, I gotta tell you girl, I thought you'd look a bit more bummed out having to leave the Mister back at home" Axl piped up as he took a seat next to me on the steel steps right outside of the venue. We were getting closer to show time which had me grinning from excitement. 

"I missed this so much, I guess" I admitted, taking another drag from my cigarette- the reason I was even out here in the first place. 

"What? Talking to your best-est and most gorgeous friend on the whole planet? I knew it" he winked making me nearly choke on my smoke as I laughed at how.. humble Axl is. 

"No you prick! I missed touring. I missed performing. I missed the dynamic me and my band share. And now we have even more material to showcase to the crowds every night. It just makes me very, very happy." I admitted, inhaling the smoke again and exhaling quickly, just in case Axl felt the need to say something absolutely ridiculous again. After all, the man truly does have no filter. 

But instead, he just looked at me. And to make it even more strange, he looked proud of me, judging by the smile that was on his face. "Ria, you're always full of surprises. I have to admit, I was really worried about you many times this year. Hell, we all were. But I have to admit, you seem a lot better. Healthier. Physically and mentally." 

I smiled back up at him. "I'm clean now. I guess Nikki has inspired me. I just don't feel the need to get black out drunk anymore or snort copious amounts of cocaine. I don't know. It's like, I have a family now and well, they need me. And I just can't imagine my life without them. You know?" 

Axl's jaw dropped. "Are you pregnant?!" 

"What?! No! No, God no! But we may have kids one day. I'd like for us to both be around for that." I admitted. It felt really nice to get this all out there and off of my chest. I had been thinking about these things for weeks now. 

"That's so great to hear girl, come here" he opened his arms for a hug. I stubbed out my cigarette and pulled Axl into me for a hug. It felt cool to be friends again. Granted, he can be such an asshole. But the man is great with words and an all around great guy to have as a friend. 

"Hey Ria, phone's for you!" Ted, one of our security guards hollered from the door. 

"Thanks Ted, I'll be right there," I yelled right back before turning my attention right back to Axl. "I know you and I have been through some shit but I wanna thank you for sticking by me and being there for me. I know I put you guys through a lot of shit this year." 

"You're the glue that keeps us all together, Ria. And you're also easily the greatest and hottest best friend I've ever had" Axl chuckled with a sincere smile. 

"Love ya, Rose" I kissed him on the cheek and got up to go answer whoever was calling me. 

Making my way back into the venue, I headed over to where Ted had instructed me to go. I picked up the phone and answered. "Hello?" 

"Hey baby, just wanted to wish ya good luck before your show tonight" I heard that familiar silky voice that I adored so very much. 

I knew I was grinning from ear to ear. "Thanks baby, that's so sweet of you. I miss you and Whisky so much" 

"I was hoping you would say something along those lines" I knew he was smiling just by the tone of his voice. 

"Oh? And why's that?" I asked.

"Because I managed to find a dog sitter for a couple of nights and was thinking of coming down to see a show or two. Infamous is my favourite band, after all" Nikki sounded as if he had a smirk on his face. What a cheeky little fucker. 

"Seriously?! Oh I'd love that Nikki" I practically squealed. God, I'm so pathetic. We've only been apart for maybe two or three weeks now. Fuck it. I missed him and he clearly missed me just as much seeing as he was willing to fly out to us on tour. I love this man. I really do. 

"I'm glad baby. I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much" he admitted softly.

"I miss you too love. I can't wait to spend so much time with you" I sighed in content. 

"Do I need to book us a hotel room or do you think you can convince the boys to let us have the tour bus for a night?" Nikki rasped slightly. 

I bit my lip at the sound of his voice and the thought of spending a very hot and heavy night together. "Maybe book a whole floor" I joked.

This made him laugh rather hard. "Maybe that's not a bad idea. You were awfully loud last time" 

"You just know how to make me feel so good, baby" I praised him, I was learning that Nikki had a bit of a praise kink going on. It was equally cute and hot, if that makes any sense at all. 

"I try baby, I try," he laughed softly. "well I better let you go get ready for your show. You're gonna kill it tonight. I love you and I can't wait to see you" 

"Thank you babe, I love you so much" I smiled and we both hung up. 

I got to admit, I'm usually terrified right about now. When things are working out way too well. But not this time. Everything feels amazing. And I'm sure as hell the happiest I've ever been.

. . .

A/N: All right, I'm gonna stop trying to make promises when it comes to updates cause that's clearly not working out. 

I also underestimated just how overwhelming college was going to be this year. Hopefully on my reading week next week, I can get more content going cause I miss writing dearly. 

Thanks for sticking with me kiddos, I hope you enjoyed this sweet lil filler-ish chapter. xo. ~

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